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The Impact Of Public Expenditure And Taxes On Private Investment In Syria Using Standard Modeling By "ARDL" Method

أثر الإنفاق العام و الضرائب على الإستثمار الخاص في سورية باستخدام النمذجة القياسية بطريقة "ARDL"

704   0   5   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2020
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This Study Seeks To Test The Combined Effect Of Fiscal Policy Tools (Public Spending And Taxes) On Private Investment In Syria. Time Series Data For These Variables Were Collected For The Period (1990-2010), And It Was Subjected To A Statistical Financial And Economic Study That Began By Analyzing The Growth Rates, And Components Of These Variables.This Was Followed By A Study Of The Stability Of Time Series. Finally, The Long-Term Co-Integration Equation For Private Investment In Syria Was Estimated Using The Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL). The Results Of The Study Showed The Existence Of A Long-Term Relationship Between Private Investment As A Dependent Variable. Finally, Recommendations Were Made To Increase The Effectiveness Of Public Spending And Taxes In Positively Affecting Private Investment.

References used
Pesaran, M.; Shin, Y. (1999). An Autoregressive distributed lag modeling approach to cointegration analysis . Chapter 11 in S. Storm (ed). Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th Century: The Ranger Frisch Centennial Symposium. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK
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This research studied the use of taxes in Syria as an important tool in influencing one of the variables important economic (consumption) between the years (2000-2010). These taxes and fees are used (for example) to support an increase in the consump tion of some goods that are considered commodities and necessary, or to try to reduce the amount of consumption of luxury goods. The Syrian legislator made during the period studied adjustments numerous tax (especially fee consumer spending) to influence the amount of the domestic consumption, for the consuming public or consuming particular. There was a major adjustment in tax rates of some of the direct taxes and the expansion of the base of goods and services that are subject to certain types of indirect taxes, and to draw them where consumer spending has spread to some of the essential commodities.
This research introduce the public-private partnership (PPP), by determine the difference between the types of PPP contracts, and lighting on the most important experiences of main countries to identify responsibilities of each part of contract. I n order to study the possibility of using PPP in Syria, within the crisis since (2011). To afford additional resources of funding, to improve the development process of infrastructure projects, especially projects that related to the energy sector, specifically electricity sector. The electricity sector is one of the most sectors exposed to destruction, and it was the first goal of any sabotage carried out by terrorists. this sector suffering by is more than 430 billion Syrian pounds loses, since the start of the crisis until the end of 2015, and this amount is nominated to rise by the time according to many reasons, one of this reasons is exchange rates fluctuations risk. The amount ofdamages is very huge number, comparison to the size of funds that dedicated by the government to finance investment. On the other hand, there is a serious need to additional resources of funding, to finance the development and rehabilitation process of infrastructure projects. Therefore, could the PPP provide these resources? That is what the research is looking for.

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