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This study addresses the issue of the change in the concept of security threats due to developments in the field of technology, as the issue of cyber security has become one of the major challenges faced by countries at the regional and global levels , especially with the increasing volume of cyber threats that affect the information security of countries. Today, cyber security is one of the most important concepts that countries seek to achieve, especially after technological progress and the extent of the impact of this progress on the national security of countries, which necessitated the development of defensive security strategies to repel cyber-attacks and work to develop the cyber capabilities of countries. This study will focus on the most important concepts in cyberspace and the main actors in the practice of cyber-attacks, in addition to identifying the Iranian security strategy in the cyber field. The study reached results and recommendations, the most important of which is that cyberspace has become a new arena for international conflict and the need to develop defensive strategies to repel and detect cyber attacks.
يستكشفة هذا المنظور التحليلي أثار انتشار الذكاء الاصطناعي في مجالين رئيسين يتعلقان بالسياسات هما الأمن والتوظيف. وقد ركزنا ههنا نقاط الضعف وعدم الانصاف التي قد يفرضها استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي على هذين البعدين للمجتمع. حدد فريق من الزملاء في مؤسسة رن د ذوي خبرات وتجارب متنوعة هذين المجالين من بين سواهما باعتبارهما يستحقان اهتماما دقيقا في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي. ومن المجالات التي تمت الاشارة إليها أيضا نذكر: تأثير الذكاء الاصطناعي على الصحة وصنع القرارات وتسوية النزاعات في المنازعات والأمن الالكتروني. وتوضح الطبيعة متعدد التخصصات التي تتسم بها المشاكل التي خلصنا إليها الحاجة إلى مواصلة إشراك الباحثين والمحللين الذي يتمتعون بمجموعة متنوعة من الخبرات والتجارب من أجل اطلاع صناع القرارات المتعلقة بالسياسات على المواقف والخطوات الواجب القيام بها في ما يتعلق بالأدوات الاصطناعية والذكاء الصنعي على اوسع نطاق. يبين هذا البحث المحارو الشاملة لأثار الذكاء الاصطناعي: ١- الأدوات الاصطناعية هي في الواقع مضاعفات للانتباه قادرة على ان تحدث اثارا نظامية غير متوقعة وخطيرة. ٢- يزيد الاعتماد على الادوات الاصطناعية خطر تقلص المرونة. ٣- للذكاء الاصطناعي القدرة على التسبب بفوضى اقتصادية اجتماعية سريعة غير مسبوقة. ٤- تعد تفضيلات هجرة وتوظيف ذوي المواهب في مجال بحث وتطوير الذكاء الاصطناعي حول العالم من المخاوف الجغرافية السياسية المهمة.
The mapping of Layer 3 (IP) to Layer 2 (MAC) addresses is a key service in IP networks, and is achieved via the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) protocol in IPv4. Due to its stateless nature and lake of authentication, ARP is an easy goal to spoofin g attacks, which can enable Denial of Service (DoS) or Man-in-the-Middle (MIM) attacks. In this search, we discuss the problem of ARP spoofing in the context of Software Defined Networks (SDNs). We studied important parameters such as throughput, delay and the availability of the network. Results showed that ARP spoofing attacks was able to make a negative effects on network performance
The current research aimed to recognize the level of psychological security among a sample of Tishreen university students. In order to achieve the objective of this research, Shkeer's psychological security scale was applied, which its factor str ucture was investigate by the researcher in a previous study. The scale was used for data collection, and in year 2017-2018, a sample of (233) students participated in the research. The results showed that the level of students’ psychological security is medium, and there is no difference between males and females, but there are differences according to the specialty, especially in “practice life”, where that the students of practice specialty showed higher feeling of psychological security than the students of theoretic specialty.
This research is an attempts for studying security considering it as an phenomenon in society, which must be focused on, and work on the application of sociological analysis tools for research and study.Especially as security-related problems and c oncerns become an integral part of our lives at the individual and collective levels, which also influence the shaping of social relations, whether through discourse or practice.Therefore, the primary objective of the research is to gather all the data related to the general dimensions of what we can call sociology of security; to deal with security as a basic social process, subject to change, without which human life can become in danger.
The study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between the psychosomatic disorders and their relationship to psychological security in a sample of adolescents who visited the Syrian Arab Red Crescent clinics in Damascus Governorate, an d also to identify the differences between the average scores of the sample on the scales of psychosomatic disorders and psychological security according to gender variable.
The research aims to identify the correlation between learned helplessness and psychological security، And knowledge of the differences between the mean scores of the respondents to the learned helplessness scale and psychological security scale according to the variables of sex and school year. The application of the learned helplessness scale prepared by Hanan Aldaher and psychological security scale prepared by Fahed Aldilim on a sample which consist from (277) of open learning Kindergarten students in the college of education at the University of Damascus، for the year (2016_2017).
Device to device Communications (D2D Communications) is a new promising technology, that is used to increase data exchanged volume, to expand the coverage area of base stations, core network data offloading, and to move to new frequency bands that have not been used in mobile networks before.
In light of the existing events, social institutions lead to a major role in preventing the intellectual and behavioral deviations of a large number of university youth. The facts indicate that the conflict between countries began to take on an int ellectual character, with each party invading ideas and distorting them through various means: cultural or informational in order to challenge the principles and ethics of the other party and weaken its capabilities, dispersing its efforts and provoking strife and suspicions and questioning its principles, values and the replacement of alternative concepts, values and ideas with perverse principles that lead in one way or another to the intellectual and social collapse of society. The present study deals with the impact of intellectual deviation on the social security of the society. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was designed and administered to a sample of students of the Department of Sociology, the fourth year Sociology Students in Tishreen University, reaching 61 students. The Search yielded the following results: - The study revealed the extent of the awareness of the sample members of the role of social institutions in the prevention of intellectual deviation. - The study showed that the various manifestations of intellectual deviation lead to destabilizing the social security of society.
Food security including its economic, technical and social dimensions is considered to be one of the issues that received wide attention, this food security issue is closely related to the agricultural sector, therefore agricultural sector occupies a very important position in the economics of countries, especially developing countries, including Syria. the agricultural sector has achieved a great success in Syria during its ongoing development, but recently many local and international changes has appeared. These changes had a lot of challenges that must be treated with suitable mechanisms . So This research aims to show the reality of plant and animal production in Latakia, and to acknowledge the most important human and natural components ingredients that are available in agricultural sector, this research aims to find out obstacles and problems that agricultural sector suffers from, and to find perfect solutions for them. It also aims to discover the best way to increase Agricultural Productions in latakia. and that contributes to achieving the agricultural development in Syria providing people of Syria , the food security In addition to economic one .especially in this crisis that gripped Syria.

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