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هدف هذا البحث إلى إلقاء الضوء على دور منظمة الأمم المتحدة في بناء السلام، فبدأ بتعريف مفهوم بناء السلام و بيان المتغيرات الدولية التي أدت إلى ظهوره و النقاط الرئيسية التي تميز بينه و بين بعض المفاهيم المشابهة له و التي ترتبط بالسلم و الأمن الدوليين، لينتقل بعد ذلك إلى تحديد نطاق تطبيق ترتيبات بناء السلام، سواء النطاق الزمني أم النطاق الموضوعي، لينتهي بعد ذلك إلى التعريف بأجهزة الأمم المتحدة الفرعية التي نشأت لتمارس من خلالها هذه المهمة و بيان طبيعة دور الأمم المتحدة في ميدان بناء السلام.
This research shed light on the concept of human security and the new values it adds to the current concepts in international law. It starts with identifying human security and its elements and the main mechanism to achieve it, through what will be presented of the work of publicists and international bodies. Then it proceeds to the international changes that led to its appearance, and the criticisms that were directed to this concepts, and the main international bodies that work in this field, whether inside or out side the structure of the United Nations, to conclude with the similarities and diffrences between human security one the first hand and human rights and traditonal concepts of security on the other had.
اتخذ الاتجاه التشريعي لمجلس الأمن من خلال إصداره لقرارات بحجة مكافحة الإرهاب نظاماً قانونياً جديداً يستقل به عن الاختصاص الوظيفي المرسخ في نصوص الفصل السابع و دون توافر السند القانوني المنشء للاختصاص.
We present in this thesis a new structure that incorporates SDN with Vanets, and we make a meticulous study of routing mechanisms and their effects on security aspects. We also present a new security system that depends on public key infrastructure, and finally we demonstrate how to benefit from SDN in facing several security attacks and preaches, which are common in traditional Vanets, through number of security algorithms which allow deploying intrusion detection systems as a step towards self-healing and self-configuration system.
There are many of Formal Methods for testing security protocols detecting being safe or not. Including Avispa, Casper, ProVerif, Scyther. Previously a comparisons using two of mentioned methods (ProVerif, Scyther). In this, research a comparison b etween the four mentioned methods in terms of the same used parameters in the previous comparison: working style, the modeling language, user interface, input, and output. As a result, the user provided with options to choose the appropriate method depending on the desired parameter. Six different of security protocols have been tested and finally the results have been compared; these protocols are Kao Chow Authentication Protocol, 3-D Secure Protocol, Needham-Schroeder Public Key Protocol, Diffie–Hellman key exchange, Andrew Secure RPC Protocol, and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
This research is an attempts for studying security considering it as an phenomenon in society, which must be focused on, and work on the application of sociological analysis tools for research and study.Especially as security-related problems and c oncerns become an integral part of our lives at the individual and collective levels, which also influence the shaping of social relations, whether through discourse or practice.Therefore, the primary objective of the research is to gather all the data related to the general dimensions of what we can call sociology of security; to deal with security as a basic social process, subject to change, without which human life can become in danger.
The mapping of Layer 3 (IP) to Layer 2 (MAC) addresses is a key service in IP networks, and is achieved via the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) protocol in IPv4. Due to its stateless nature and lake of authentication, ARP is an easy goal to spoofin g attacks, which can enable Denial of Service (DoS) or Man-in-the-Middle (MIM) attacks. In this search, we discuss the problem of ARP spoofing in the context of Software Defined Networks (SDNs). We studied important parameters such as throughput, delay and the availability of the network. Results showed that ARP spoofing attacks was able to make a negative effects on network performance

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