نظراً لأهمية إحساس الإنسان بما يحيط حوله من أشخاص أو أشياء أو أوساط و فراغات و الذي يجعل لكل شيء في حياته معنى مختلفاً و ذو قيمة مادية أو عاطفية أو كليهما، كان لابد من دراسة معنى و مفهوم الإحساس و تفسير آلية الوصول إليه، تحويل الأشياء المحسوسة في المحيط إلى مدركات ذات قيمة عقلية و رقمية، و أيضا في محاولة لتفسير المدركات ذات القيم العقلية و العلمية و الرقمية عبر وسائط تحليلية فكرية تطبيقية ميدانية للوصول إلى أحاسيس و شعور بالمبنى . و هذا ما قاد البحث إلى ضرورة معرفة الفرق بين كل من الإحساس و الإدراك من جهة ،و البحث في آلية التحليل الوسيطة للانتقال البيني بالاتجاهين المتعاكسين بين الإحساس و الإدراك .
و لأن العمارة أحد أهم الفراغات التي تشغل فكر و عاطفة المستخدمين ماديا و عاطفيا، تم العمل على دراسة و تحليل إقحام الإحساس العاطفي للمستخدمين في عملية التصميم و تفسير الإحساس وصولا إلى إدراك عقلي و أهمية التصميم وفق عملية إدراك عقلية للوصول إلى إحساس عاطفي ايجابي يرضي المستخدمين .
Because of the importance of the human sense of the surrounding people, objects or circles
and spaces, which makes everything in his life a different meaning and material or
emotional value or both, it was necessary to study the meaning and concept of sense and
interpretation of the mechanism of access to the conversion of tangible things in the ocean
to perceptions of the same Mental and digital values, as well as in an attempt to interpret
perceptions of mental, scientific and digital values through analytical, applied field-based
analytical media to reach the senses and feelings of the building. This led the research to
the need to know the difference between the sense and perception on the one hand, and
research in the mechanism of the analysis of the intermediate of the inter-transfer between
the two directions between the sensation and perception.
Because architecture is one of the most important spaces that occupy the mind and passion
of the users materially and emotionally, the study and analysis of the emotional sensation
of users in the process of design and interpretation of the sense to reach the mental
perception and the importance of design in accordance with the process of mental
perception to reach a positive emotional feeling to the satisfaction of users.
References used
Lehman,Maria,Lorana.Sensing Architectural Academy .How Emotion Impacts the perception of Architecture
Holl,Steven.Pallasma,Juhani.Gorez,Perez.Question of Perception,Phenomology of Architecture;SanFranscisco
Burno,Guliana.Atlas of Emotion.verso;New Yourk.2002
Housing is considered void that protects the rights of the external factors and provide
him with the necessary requirements, and depending on the quality and the pioneers of
global research in this range, the most important measure of the quality o
Because of the increasing of the scientific resources locally as well as internationally. and the
importance of the local urban heritage as one of the resources. affecting the international
urban and architectural concepts; this research deals with
Architectural design subject is the backbone of the architectural education
curriculum. Moreover, the outcome of architectural design subject of first year is the base
that will form the students’ architectural thinking and skills in the upper leve
The research Problem lies in the ambiguity of the association relationship between the geometrical shapes and the energy surrounding them and impacting the living things in the architectural and urban space and understanding the architectural design principles that governing the design of geometrical shapes in public and especially architectural buildings commensurate with this relationship.
The present study is concerned with the creation of an organized
framework to the teaching of architectural design that addresses
the individual differences of learners, such as differences in
abilities, tendencies, experiences, speed of learning