تعالج هذه الدراسة أبرز المشكلات التي ترتبط بمرحلة الشيخوخة و لا سيما الاجتماعية – النفسية منها و التي تظهر شيئا فشيئا كلما تقدم الإنسان بالعمر، و ذلك انطلاقا من الزيادة التي تشهدها هذه الشريحة من جهة، ثم السعي لمساعدة المسنين و حل مشكلاتهم من جهة أخرى. تعالج هذه الدراسة عدة جوانب أولا: مفهوم الشيخوخة، حدودها، مظاهرها، ثانيا: الخصاص التي تميز هذه المرحلة، ثالثا: المشكلات الاجتماعية لكبار السن، رابعا: المشكلات النفسية الاجتماعية لكبار السن، خامسا: كيفية التعامل مع المسنين، سادسا: الحلول المطروحة للتغلب على مشكلات كبار السن. و في الختام قدمت عدة مقترحات بغية المساهمة في تحقيق هدف الدراسة في توجيه الاهتمام لشريحة المسنين، و تفهم مشكلاتهم المختلفة و ذلك للسير على طريق حلها.
This study deals with the most important problems related to the age of aging,
especially the social - psychological ones, which appear little by little as the age of man,
and from the increase in this segment on the one hand, and then seek to help the elderly
and solve their problems on the other hand. This study deals with several aspects: First: the
concept of aging, its limits, its manifestations, second: the fertility that characterizes this
stage, the social problems of the elderly, the psychological problems of the elderly,
Problems of older persons. In conclusion, they made several proposals in order to
contribute to the goal of the study to focus attention on the elderly and to understand their
various problems in order to move towards solving them.
References used
خليفة، عبد اللطيف محمد : دراسات في سيكولوجيا المسنين ، دار غريب للطباعة و النشر ، القاهرة . 1991 ، ص 14
فايزة، بلخير، مفهوم الذات و علاقته بالتكيف الاجتماعي لدى المسنين، رسالة ماجستير، جامعة وهران، الجزائر، 2012 ، ص 54
السمري، علي، دراسة المشكلات الاجتماعية (المفهوم - المدخل- المنهج)، الزعيم للنشر، القاهرة، . 2003 ، ص 6
The research aims to know the degree of use of social networking
among the students of the Faculty of Education at the University of
Damascus. And know common mental problems among the
students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus.
And know the relationship between the use of social networks and
mental problems.
This research aimed to know the level of a sense of loneliness among the elderly
residents in social care homes, and to know the differences in the degree of loneliness
between males and females, as it aimed to detect the differences in the sense o
This study aimed to analyze the content of the most important social problems facing
the Tishreen government universities students and Kalamoon, knowledge and compare
them and arrange them according to their importance in the light of the universit
Depression is considered to be one of the most common mental disorders among the
elderly, especially among those with chronic physical diseases in particular Diabetes.
Therefore research problem was defined by the following question: What is the
The research aims to:
- Learn about the degree of Hesitation on the social networking sites with students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus.
- Learn about common social problems among students of the Faculty of Education