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تبدلات سياسة العرض النقدي ( M2 ) و علاقتها بمستوى الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في سورية للفترة بين \2000-2010\

1112   1   43   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research focuses on the phenomenon of the foreign direct investment, and its impact on the economic growth through using the supply broad money M2 as an indicator to test the impact of changing in supply at the level of foreign investment in the Syrian economy. It has been necessary in the context of the country's direction towards economic openness and marked increase in the independence of the central bank and its growing ability to pursue monetary policy, and control the money supply , from study the impact of these monetary decisions and their impact and effectiveness in attracting investment or expelled it ,and their ability to create an environment attractive or repulsive for investments through the rationalization of economic decision.

References used
world investment report ,UNCTAD wir, 2009
World development Report - A Better investment Climate for Everyone ,World Bank, 2005
rate research

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Foreign direct investment FDI has been started to play a major role in supporting the growth of the economies of developing countries since the eighties of the last century, taking advantage of the rapid spread of information and communication tech nology ICT and the trend towards a market economy in most developing countries and trade liberalization in them. These countries began to depend more on foreign direct investment because of the great benefits that derive from it in terms of capital, employment and increase in exports, or in terms of obtaining the modern technology which is necessary to achieve the economic development. In Syria, foreign direct investment flows started to increase since 2003 as a result of the new directions of the Syrian government to open up to domestic and foreign private sector, and reliance on the market economy. The objective of this research is to shed light on the reality of foreign direct investment in Syria, and to clarify the impact of this investment on economic growth during the period 2000-2010. It has reached to find out that this effect was weak.
يركز البحث على تقييم استراتيجية استهداف معدل نمو عرض النقد في سورية و مدى تأثيرها و علاقتها بمعدل نمو الناتج القومي الإجمالي في الفترة ما بين أعوام 2000-2010م , و في سبيل ذلك يستعرض البحث مفهوم عرض النقد في الأدبيات الاقتصادية, و وسائل استهداف معدل نموه عبر أدوات و سياسات البنك المركزي, و مرتكزات استراتيجية استهداف عرض النقد, وصولاً إلى استعراض التجربة السورية لاستهداف معدل نمو عرض النقد ضمن الخطتين الخمسيتين خلال الفترة 2000-2010 م, و ذلك باستخدام الجداول و البيانات و المؤشرات المنشورة عبر البنك المركزي و المجموعة الإحصائية السورية.
Given the growing interest and the race between countries to foreign direct investment, especially after the financial policies and recent developments and global economic crisis in the Arab region, and the crisis in the euro zone and the recession in the global investment market, with the moderns developments in foreign investment trends, all countries and especially developing countries seek to provide favorable conditions for attracting foreign direct investment, and Algeria, like other developing countries, are not immune to these changes, which calls for the adoption of policies and reforms that create the appropriate economic environment and adopt a policy of open door to foreign investment so that it matches these developments in order to benefit from its advantages and strengthen their competitiveness in an open world trade and foreign investment and at the end engage in the circle of economic growth and achieve sustainable development in general. This paper aims to find out the measures by which the Algeria seeks to enable foreign direct investment towards sustainability, as sustainable development is a prerequisite for the realization of justice and equity in the distribution of development gains and wealth between generations.
Adopted the Syrian economy , which has seen an interference large part of the State , the public sector, which is employing a workforce in various sectors of the economy , and the issuance of the Legislative Decree No. / 7/ 2007 on the promotion of i nvestment and had been preceded by Law No. / 10 / of 1991, evidence of awareness the need for change in the economic policies and a legal framework to attract foreign direct investment , because this kind of investments have the potential to diversify the economy and develop it at the lowest cost, create jobs , and bring in capital and expertise and assistance on the development of geographic regions varied. In case of setting conditions for the foreign direct investments serve the national economy. The research found that there is a role for foreign direct investment on the process of economic development in the Syrian Arab Republic on the basis of the results of the field survey.
This research studied the use of taxes in Syria as an important tool in influencing one of the variables important economic (consumption) between the years (2000-2010). These taxes and fees are used (for example) to support an increase in the consump tion of some goods that are considered commodities and necessary, or to try to reduce the amount of consumption of luxury goods. The Syrian legislator made during the period studied adjustments numerous tax (especially fee consumer spending) to influence the amount of the domestic consumption, for the consuming public or consuming particular. There was a major adjustment in tax rates of some of the direct taxes and the expansion of the base of goods and services that are subject to certain types of indirect taxes, and to draw them where consumer spending has spread to some of the essential commodities.

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