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This research handles one of the most important and contemporary subjects. It is the status of Islamic banks, which proved a significant presence since its earliest beginning, through increasing growth in market share, high performance and amount o f banking businesses, and multiple methods of Islamic funding. This research focuses on studying the conditions of Islamic banks in general, in terms of offering its concept, principles of founders, and the practical application of these principles in bank business, then examining the conditions of Islamic banks in the Syrian Arab Republic in spite of its newness and the crisis the area is going through. This would be done through displaying its origin, development, the performance of banks operations in it, and knowing if these banks are committed to the principles of founders ,then monitoring the crisis’ effects in the area since 2011 on the performance of these banks (Financial resources - Funding- Profits) through analyzing its financial statements and knowing the truthfulness of these positive data mentioned in these statements specially the highest profits. The study also attempts to offer some suggestions to face the effects of the crisis and straighten the work of these banks. The most important search results is that the conditions of Islamic banks in general and Syrian Islamic banks in particular did not match the principles of founders , financial resources employment ratios were low despite the rise of resources and funds , and the profits made by Syrian Islamic banks during this crisis are not real profits.
The relationship between health and development is of great importance, as health contributes greatly to human development, as the health level directly affects the productivity of human resources.The higher the level of health, the greater the activ ity of the individual, and the greater his physical and psychological ability to continue work, and all this positively affects the increase in production and productivity.
Adopted the Syrian economy , which has seen an interference large part of the State , the public sector, which is employing a workforce in various sectors of the economy , and the issuance of the Legislative Decree No. / 7/ 2007 on the promotion of i nvestment and had been preceded by Law No. / 10 / of 1991, evidence of awareness the need for change in the economic policies and a legal framework to attract foreign direct investment , because this kind of investments have the potential to diversify the economy and develop it at the lowest cost, create jobs , and bring in capital and expertise and assistance on the development of geographic regions varied. In case of setting conditions for the foreign direct investments serve the national economy. The research found that there is a role for foreign direct investment on the process of economic development in the Syrian Arab Republic on the basis of the results of the field survey.
The small projects are considered as the main brick for building a high economical edifice in developing countries, but such enterprises are facing many challenges in developing countries due to economic openness which is imposed by globalization phenomena with its different mechanism and its political, cultural, technological, managerial, and economical dimensions.
يتضمن البحث دراسة و تحليل دور و أهمية الضريبة في تمويل عملية التنمية مع تطور وظائف الدولة، و يتعرض إلى مفهوم التنمية و التحديات التي تواجهها الدول النامية في مسألة تأمين الموارد، كما يعرض مفهوم الضريبة و آثارها الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و السياسية ف ي توجيه الاستثمار و الادخار و الإنتاج و العمل...و منعكساتها في التضخم أو الانكماش الاقتصادي، كما يدرس البحث أثر درجة النمو في النظام الضريبي، من خلال تحليل النظم الضريبية في الدول النامية و الدول ذات الاقتصاد الموجه و الدول المتقدمة و العلاقة بينها و بين الهياكل الاقتصادية، و عرض و دراسة حالات تطبيقية في التشريع الضريبي المقارن (السوري، اللبناني، الفرنسي، الأمريكي) و دراسة سلبيات و إيجابيات كل من تلك النماذج، و خلص البحث بمنهجية علمية إلى مقترحات و توصيات لتطوير التشريع الضريبي السوري النافذ بما يتفق و الوقائع الاقتصادية في سورية و المستجدات و الأهداف المرغوب فيها و ذلك بالإفادة من هذه التجارب في ظل عالم جديد و تحديات تدقُّ باب الاقتصاد السوري مع الانفتاح الذي يشهده و ذلك لتحقيق أهداف خطط التنمية الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية.

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