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مدينة "مطرح" في ثلاث قصص عمانية معاصرة

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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الأخزمي، يونس: النذير، المطابع العالمية، روي 1992 م.
الأخزمي، يونس:حبس النورس،المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر، بيروت 1996 م.
باختين، ميخائيل: أشكال الزمان والمكان في الرواية، ترجمة يوسف حلاق، منشورات وزارة الثقافة، دمشق 1990 م.
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This research tackles the phenomenon of dialogue in Alhothaliyen stories presenting reasons for studying it, then it defines a dialogue linguistically and idiomatically.It also highlights its purpose, its relationship to the pillars of the creative process, and methods in the old rhetorical Arab heritage and modern criticism. The body of this research is an applied study of the types of dialogue in lamentation, flirtation and blame stories, and methods of composing poetry such as (command and negation, interrogation, question and answer. The research concludes that the methods for composing a dialogue (switching, conditional, and compositional styles) added a poetic feature to the text and a realistic dimension to the event, and revealed the poet's emotions and his psychological approach toward the event. Surrender to the actions/deeds of time is one of the most prominent targets revealed by lamentation and flirtation in a dialogue, as there is no point in blaming time
The presence of place had a distinctive position in the stream of consciousness that made it able to show and rise the humanbeing's problems precisely and frankly from many different views. Probably. The most important problem is making the emotion al relationship eminent and this what relates the human being to the place and the effect of that on turning the relation of the human being with the place into a mutual one that made the perception of the place nourish the emotion and vice versa and within this concept, that mutual relationship has uncovered the depth of the gap between two worlds which neither of them belongs to the other and they are the inner world and the outer one clearing the self-crisis in its searching for domestic place or in its wish to escape from frightful place to a safer one and because the awareness has no limits in the pre-speaking levels, the confused human thoughts and intelligence have accompanied his constant searching for the place and his dream in achieving his belonging goal.
شكلَّ التراث رافداً مهماً في الأعمال القصصية الحديثة ؛لأنّ التراث هو الهوية الثقافية للأمة و أمينها ، و هو المدافع عنها أمام الثقافات الوافدة . من هنا اتجه زكريا تامر في قصصه إلى توظيف التراث ، و قد استطاع زكريا تامر مزج التراث بالأدب ، و الأدب بالت راث إذ إنّ العلاقة بينهما ليست علاقة إبداع و حسب ، و إنما هي علاقة اندماج ، و عشق بحيث يتحول التراث في وعي الكاتب إلى مكوّن ثقافي فاعل يتوسل به الكاتب فكريا و فنيا لتحقيق درجات التغيير ، و التواصل مع المتلقي. تتنوع المصادر التراثية في عالم زكريا تامر القصصي ، إذ نلتقي بمصادر تاريخية كعمر المختار و يوسف العظمة و صقر قريش و طارق بن زياد ، و مصادر إنسانية كجنكيز خان و هولاكو . و أخرى دينية كـقابيل و هابيل ، و النبي يوسف (ع)، و مصادر شعبية كالشاطر حسن ، و مما يلاحظ أنّ الكاتب وظف هذه الرموز بشكل دقيق فنيّاً و معنوياً ممّا أدى إلى إثراء عالمه القصصي.
Violence is clear in the story works of Zakarayya Tamer. It signifies most of his works forming a chracteristict that distinguishes his own works from other written works in this age and he proved himself a popular different writer who has his way stating with cursing and ending in crime regadless to his issues concerning (family, street,power) even if they are different if we think of circumastances which lead to this colour of writing. In this world the scenes of troublesome, fighting, raping and killing. Thus violence signifies this world in which it is difficult to live out of desire to blood by killing in the most terrified way seprating heads. This describes his way of revealing the disasterous sort of writing away from the causes of these problematic affairs which go deeper than what we are expecting. This is what the search is trying to deal with and focus.
The contemporary interest has increased with the titles, so that some researchers considered the titles as mini texts which contribute in forming a primary opinion that motivate the reader and guide him to some meaning that the authors referring to , and other researchers considered the titles just a hypothesis for reading, not prejudice, because it might lead the reader towards the meaning directly, and it might deceive and mislead him as well, which make the creative texts poetically bigger and richer, and in both cases the title remains the first textual episode that the reader’s awareness meet with the creative text, regardless the type of the titles: realistic, equivocation, symbolism and others. My choice has fallen into this research because of the variety that Ghassan Wannous text stories’ have shown, which indicates the awareness of the writer about the importance of the titles, and the role it might perform in serving the textual meaning, and this is what this research aspires to approach and highlights.
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