هدف البحث إلى تعرف الاتجاهات و الممارسات البيئية لدى طلبة التعليم الثانوي في مدارس مدينة اللاذقية، و تحقيقاً لهدف البحث أعدت الباحثة استبانة تتضمن (40) بنداً لقياس الاتجاهات و الممارسات البيئية و ذلك بعد التأكد من صدقها و ثباتها. و بلغت عينة الدراسة (720) طالباً و طالبةً يتوزعون على ثلاثة صفوف دراسية هي: الصف العاشر و الحادي عشر (علمي و أدبي) و الثاني عشر (علمي و أدبي). اعتمدت اختبارات t-test لحساب الفروق بين المتوسطات، و مستوياتها الدلالية المختلفة . و قانون تحليل التباين Analaysis of variance . و قد أسفرت نتائج البحث عن وجود فرق ذو دلالة إحصائية بين اتجاهات الطلبة نحو البيئة و اتجاهات الطالبات، لصالح الطالبات، و كذلك بينت النتائج عدم وجود فرق جوهري في اتجاهات و ممارسات طلبة التعليم الثانوي نحو البيئة و التربية البيئية تبعاً لمتغير الصف الدراسي، و يؤثر نوع التخصص العلمي أو الأدبي في الاتجاهات و الممارسات البيئية لصالح طلبة الفرع الأدبي. و قد يعزى ذلك لقلة الاهتمام في معلومات و معارف الطلبة عن البيئة و الواقع الراهن للتربية البيئية و مدى تعاظم المشكلات البيئية و أثرها على صحة الإنسان، و لذلك يعد التعليم المدخل الصحيح للتربية بشكل عام و التربية البيئة بشكل خاص و أساسي لتحقيق الوعي البيئي و تغيير السلوك و القيم بما يتماشى مع متطلبات التنمية المستدامة.
This piece of research aims to identify the environmental tendencies and practices of
secondary school students throughout the schools of the City of Lattakia. To achieve this,
the researcher prepared a questionnaire of of 40 points in order to measure them; this
follows the confirmation of the tool's authenticity and loyalty. The study specimen includes
200 fe/male students over two study groups: the 10th calss and the 11th class (scientific and
literary branches) and the 12th class (scientific and literary branches) to trace the disparity
among averages, and their various inherent levels. The adopted law of t-test is the Analysis
of Variance Tests. Research findings verify: the existence of a statistical difference
between male students' orientations and female students' orientations toward environment
where females score higher; the existence of statistical difference between the
environemental tendencies and practices where tendencies are higher. Findings also reveal
the absence of a significant difference between tendencies and practices of secondary
school students toward environment and the environmental education due to the variance
of the teaching class; however, the scientific or literary specialization affects the
environmental tendencies and practices to the benefit of the literary branch students. This
can be ascribed to the apparent shortage of students' information and cognizance about
environment and the current status of the environmental education in addition to the
increase of the environmental problems and their effect on human health. Thus learning is
viewed as the right entrance to education in general and to environmental education in
particular, and one basis for achieving the environmental awareness, and the change of
behaviour and values to cope with the demands of sustainable development.
References used
Ford, M. 2004 .Environmental education in the condor bioreserve: Current status and recommendations for future work. journal of sustainable forestry. Vol. 18, No. 2,3, p.p.. 257 – 275
Harvey, M. 1990 .The relationship between children's experiences with vegelation on school grounds and their environmental attitude. The journal of environmental education. Vol. 21, No. 2,. p.p. 22 – 38
Lisowski, M. 1991 .The effect of Field baued. Instruction on student understandings of ecological conepts. The journal of environmental education. Vol. 23, No. 1,. p.p. 19 – 33
The research aim to realized discusses the First Grade Secondary Students' Attitudes
Towards Learning French in Lattakia City, and to study the different of such attitudes
according to variables (sex, branch). To achieve the object of the research
The aim of the research is to identify the attitudes of secondary school teachers
towards the use of the inverted learning strategy in teaching science, and to study
differences in their attitudes according to gender variables, years of teaching ex
The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between
adolescent identity formation and neuroticism. The sample size of
the study was 183 adolescents, 92 male students and 91 female
students from the city of Homs. In this study, the resea
The Present study aimed to define differences between gifted and
normal students with regard to the issues of the emotional intelligence by
using Bar- On Inventory. It checked the statistical differences in
emotional intelligence according to sex
The research handles the evaluation of the performance of teachers of secondary education in the city of
Latakia according to the criteria of total quality management from the perspective of supervisors and school
directors in the following areas: