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Differences in Emotional Intelligence between Gifted and Normal Students in Damascus "A Field study on the first secondary class students in Damascus city"

الفروق في الذكاء الانفعالي لدى عينة من الطلبة المتفوقين و العاديين (دراسة ميدانية على طلبة الصف الأول الثانوي في مدينة دمشق )

1484   2   16   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The Present study aimed to define differences between gifted and normal students with regard to the issues of the emotional intelligence by using Bar- On Inventory. It checked the statistical differences in emotional intelligence according to sex (male/ Female), Gifted males, and normal males, and Gifted females.

References used
أنديجاني، عبدالوهاب مشرب ( 2005 ) الحاجات النفسية لدى التلاميذ الموهوبين بمدينة مكة المكرمة، ورقة عمل مقدمة في المؤتمر العلمي العربي الرابع لرعاية الموهوبين والمتفوقين، عمان، الأردن.
خرنوب، فتون ( 2003 ) بعض الأساليب المعرفية والسمات الشخصية الفارقة بين ذوي الذكاء الانفعالي المرتفع، والذكاء الانفعالي المنخفض لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانوية. رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة، جامعة القاهرة، معهد الدراسات والبحوث التربوية.
(Barchard, Kimberly A&A,Ralph Hasktian (2004) The Nature and Measurement of Emotional Intelligence Abilities, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol 46, No3, PP(437-462
rate research

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This study aims to identify the relationship between self- Consciousness and the irrational thoughts and how this relationship may vary on the basis of sexual differentiation. The sample of the study consists of (330) students from the first second ary class (150 male, 180 female). The study has used the self- Consciousness scale (Fenigstein,, 1975) and the irrational thoughts scale (Al-mougharbel, 2010). The findings indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between the private and the public selfconsciousness along with the irrational thoughts. In addition, there are differences in self- Consciousness resulting from sexual differentiation and are in favor of females. There are also no differences in the irrational thoughts depending on the basis of sexual differentiation.
The research aim to realized discusses the First Grade Secondary Students' Attitudes Towards Learning French in Lattakia City, and to study the different of such attitudes according to variables (sex, branch). To achieve the object of the research a questionnaire has been included (56) methods, distributed to four areas: (the value of French language, used French language outside school, the role of parents in Learning language French, usefulness French language in study and future life). .then applied to a sample of students of (434) ones school year 2016/2017. The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (9) of the teaching staff of educational at Syrian Universities. Pilot sample consisted of (48) students, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.93( . The research ended up with the following results: - The Attitudes of the first grade secondary students Towards Learning French in Lattakia City was positive. - There were significant statistical differences in attitudes the First Grade Secondary Students toward Learning French according to variable sex in favor of the females. There were significant statistical differences in attitudes the First Grade Secondary Students toward Learning French according to variable branch in favor of the scientific and literary branches. The research introduced following proposals: Interest in learning French language, and Making training courses for French teachers, also Providing schools with supportive materials necessary for improving learning French.
This research aimed at recognizing levels of ideological identity reformation (achievement, moratorium, foreclose, diffusion), according to the essential domains from which this identity is formed (religious and political beliefs, life style and v ocational orientation). The study uses the questionnaire tool which consist of /33/ articles which measure levels of ideological identity depending on “the objective measure of social and ideological identity status throughout adolescence and early adulthood. It was applied on /520/ male & female students of the 2nd secondary stage within school year 2008-2009 /second semester/ in Damascus public secondary schools.
The research aims to identify the degree of emotional intelligence in a sample of students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus. And know the level of self-efficacy. And know the correlation between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. And measure the level of significance of differences in the answers to the research sample to measure social intelligence and self-efficacy scale according to members of the variables of research: (sex, school year).
The research aims to : Definition of the forms of parental treatment most commonly from the viewpoint of students and its relationship with some personal variables, and know significance of differences between the forms of parental treatment from the viewpoint of outstanding students depending on the variables (sex - the educational level of the parents - the income level of the family - and the social status of the family arranged between members of the family) . The study relied on the curriculum (descriptive) due to its suitability to the nature of the current study and its objectives, the researcher used the questionnaire method as an essential tool for data collection, and the basis for the opinions and trends of the research sample where included (3) axes related forms of parental treatment and its impact on the performance of students as follows (democratic method Anarchist method authoritarian method). And applied research tool on a sample intended outstanding students (male and female) of secondary education, third grade secondary totaling (105) students (male and female)whose excelling academically rate (100%) of the original community (27) of them male rate (25.7%) of original society, and (78) of the female rate (74.3%) of the original society, where it was the selection of a sample of unintended outstanding students excelling in school being the only one in the city of Damascus .
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