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استخدام تقنية الانحدار اللوجستي ثنائي الاستجابة في دراسة أهم المحددات الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية لكفاية دخل الأسرة "دراسة تطبيقية على عينة عشوائية من الأسر في محافظة دمشق"

1858   2   56   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
أبو سدرة فتحي صالح ، الكيخيا نجاة رشيد ( 1999 ): الإحصاء والاقتصاد القياسي ، منشورات المركز القومي للدراسات والبحوث العلمية ، دار الكتب الوطنية ، بنغازي ليبيا.
الوردي، عدنان ( 1998 ) "أساليب التنبؤ الإحصائي" منشورات وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، جامعة البصرة
Brown , C.E (1998): Applied Multivariate , statistics in Geohydrology and related sciences , Springer – verlag. Berlin Heidelberg , chapter 6 , multiple regression. pp. 62- 66
rate research

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The research aimed at studying the impact of the most important economic and social factors affecting the adoption of new irrigation techniques، namely water collective management in ALGhab basin in Syria .The research accomplished by taking a si mple random sample of 264 farmers .Because of the nature of dependent variable which is dichotomous ،(1= adoption of water collective management،0=otherwise)،The binary logistic regression was used.
The study was conducted in Damascus district, due to the importance of vegetable cultivation in this area. Two towns were selected randomly and four villages from each selected town with ten vegetable farmers from each selected village were random ly selected for the study. Thus, the total size of the sample was 80 farmers. The data was collected with the help of specially designed and pre-tested interview schedule. The objectives of the study were; to study some socio - economic variables of vegetable growers, and to know their sources of agricultural information, marketing channels, training needs and the main constraints faced them in producing and marketing of vegetables.
This study aims to identify new determinants of fertility during the current circumstances created by the crisis to test the assumptions upon which study. The researcher to apply a field study included 323 marital family.Distributed among displac ed families and other resident of the governorate of Damascus has been designed Special questionnaire reflects the assumptions upon which the search.In addition, emanating from the main problem of the study as new determinants of reproductive behavior and fertility appeared in Syria . Favored childbearing at the expense of the population awareness that prevailed in the pre-crisis period has been compared to the direct determinants of fertility with indirect determinants before and after the crisis.
The main issue of research is to reveal the effect of family socialization on youths' participation in making and taking – decision inside the family. The research is also an attempt to highlight the ways of socialization which is followed in upbr inging of youths inside family. It also aims to support the good behaviours and give up the unfruitful ones. These things, in my point of view, would support the research. The research is going to achieve a group of goals such as: · knowing the extent of youth participation in taking – decisions inside the family. · Knowing the ways of socialization which take place in family. · Revealing the right ways of socialization which enable the youths of an active participation in different community's activities. · knowing the difficulties which stand in the face of youths to take part in taking – decision inside the family.
This study aimed at studying factors influencing the probability of processing dairy products by rural women, the importance of food processing as an income-generating activity through the analysis of profitability of these products, and identifyi ng some of the economic and social effects of producing dairy products on rural households.

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