لا تخلو دراسة لأثر الدهر في الشعر من إشارة إلى عينية أبي ذؤيب الهذلي التي
رثى فيها جملة من أبنائه فقدهم دفعة واحدة؛ لذلك شكلت هذه القصيدة تجربة رثائية فريدة بدأها بحديث خاص عن حزنه و حكمته، ثم انتقل إلى العام، و عزى نفسه بقص ثلاث قصص، صور من خلالها القوة في أتم صورها، ثم صور انهيارها أمام جبروت الزمن و الموت.
هدف هذا البحث إلى إضاءة جوانب هذه القصيدة من خلال ثنائية الفناء و الخلود
التي سيطرت على أجزائها، و من خلال دراسة خصوصيات الخطاب الشعري،
و العناصر القصصية لدى أبي ذؤيب.
و لعل الاقتراب من هذه القصيدة نقدياً يشكل قراءة يمكن أن تضيف جديداً إلى
القراءات السابقة في جوانب، و تلتقيها في جوانب أخرى.
There is reference to the poem of Abu Zooeb Al Hozaly in almost all
studies about the trace of the time in Arabic poetry, the poet who said
when he elegized his sons whom he lost at same time. So, the poet
formed a unique elegizing experiment. He started it with special speech
about his sadness and wisdom, then moved to the common state; when he
comforted himself by saying three stories which shaped the ultimate
power of man, then shaped the collapsing of this power in front of time
and death.
This research aims at light lighting the aspects of the poem by
studying the duality of mortality and eternity that controlled the poem,
the properties of poetic speech, and the narrative elements style of Abu
The approaching of the poem by criticism forms a reading which
may add new to dimensions previous reading in some aspects and agrees
with it in the others.
References used
الأغاني، أبو الفرج الأصفهاني، ط 1، دار إحياء التراث العربي، بيروت، 1994.
الخطيئة والتكفير، د. عبد الله الغذامي، النادي الثقافي الأدبي، جدة، د. ت.
ديوان الهذليين ، نسخة مصورة عن طبعة دار الكتب المصرية، الدار القومية . للطباعة والنشر القاهرة، 1965
This research aims to discover the drama and narrative in old
Arabic poetry, by studying poesy Ainyat Abi Zhouaib Al Hathaly,
which consists of psychological emotional start, the poet narrates
in it his tragedy using dialogical dramatic start, followed by
narrative presentation tree growing stories: the Zebra and his
female, the bull and the dogs, two heroes.
This project is displayed to the syntactic Andalusian he has had
aprominent role in the scientific life in Andalusia in the seventh
century AH, he has helped to enrich the grammar Heritage, he is
Abu Al hasan Al-Obbazi (680 AH).
The object of this research is taking about the art image in the
poetry of Abu Al-alaa Al-Ma'arry's through metaphor and
metonymy. Abu Al-alaa Al-Ma'arry used the metaphor because he
was able -by using it- to evade from taking directly about the
The search contains the identifying of Abu Al-alaa Al-Ma'arry's
life, and talking about role of alliteration and counterpoint in
achievement of the internal musical rhythm during his poetry. Abu
Al-alaa did not adhere in the traditional musical st
This study tackles an important part of Abu-Tammam's
vision that considers the poetry outcome of reason. And that is an
important shift of the concept of Arabic Poetry , which is charged
with lyricism and lack of thought .