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Interrelation between Prose and Poetry in Fatimid Writers

التداخل بين الرسالة و القصيدة عند الكّتاب الفاطميين

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 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper is concerned mainly with an unprecedented phenomenon, which deserves more examination and analysis: it is the Fatimid writers’ tendency toward finding a the interrelation between poetry and prose, and showing how far their memorization of poetry and prose effects the emergence of this phenomenon. Therefore, this paper attempts at unraveling three important aspects: first, identifying the concept, the beginnings of the interrelation; second, the genres of the interaction between a poem and a letter; third, the leitmotivs of the interrelation between a poem and a letter in the writings of Fatimid writers.

References used
ابن قتيبة، أبو محمد عبد الله بن مسلم الدينوري (ت 276 ه)، الشعر والشعراء، بيروت، دار الثقافة، ط 1980 ،4 م.
ابن منظور، أبو الفضل جمال الدين محمد بن المكرم (ت 711 ه)، لسان العرب، القاهرة، المؤسسة المصرية العامة.
الأصفهاني، أبو الفرج علي بن الحسين (ت 356 ه): الأغاني، بيروت، دار الكتب العلمية 1963 م.
rate research

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This research deals with the phenomenon of combining rhetoric and poetry at a number of the Gahleon, and the statement of the effect of this combining in their poetry, explaining through the issue of conflict of prestige betweenthe orator and the poe t in pre-Islamic era, and how this conflict has been compromised between who combined the technocracy, as the research shows the reason oflack of those who gathered between technocracy. The effect of combining in poetry is dealt with research on two levels: the stylistic level, and shows all forms of repetition: repeating letters, words and methods. While appears in the substantive level (moral): the pursuit of incomprehensible, the concentration on thinking and subjects, and the large number of wisdom and wills.
The study deals with the aesthetics of poetic language as the most prominent object of the literary interplay in the prose text of the writers, preachers and apostles of the Umayyad period.
Al-Mutanabbi, as we all know, is a poet who filled the world with poetry providing a tale and reflecting the sublimity of creation and art.He is still like a torrential spring from which scholars drinkn to quench the thierdt of their pens in search of his creative works, trying to reveal the secret of that creation which involves inventive psychological feelings that made him form his poetry with wonderful aesthetic artistry, something which, gave Arabic a particular dealing with the word use which, perhaps, is almost unique to Al- Mutanabbi so that this creation which remained constanly with him till he became famous for it as if it had been his identification card he held. No sooner does ascholar read that language than he sees Al-Mutanabbi's ID Card which has later became the ID card of Arabic poetry, affecting its advance and restrationcreativey, aristically and intellectually throughout ages and history.
This research discusses a fundamental issue concerning the controversial relationship between the poet and political subjects on the one hand and the relationship between the poet and the governordesignate of the pyramid of authority (the Caliph), and the possibility of employing the language to express this relationship through the possession of the poet to different techniques of language that was able to disclose the fragility of that relationship offset by the ability of the poet in the employing and vocabulary in different contexts.
The research deals with the aesthetics of the artistic image in the prose text of the Umayyad period and how did it add more poetry to prose; This is because of the large number of images analogous and metaphorical and canonical.
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