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The study aimedtoalertthe danger oferosionare three types ofsoilsexposedby calculatingthe amount ofsoilerodedfromthe impact ofthe Cascadefiverainstormsequalintensity, thosesoils, has been securedsoilsnecessaryfor the studyofseveral areas ofdiffere nt provincesin Syria, where he wasplaced in thebasin, thenoffered forrainstormsbymobile(Rainfall Simulation),andaftereveryrainstormwas recordedreadingsfor the loss ofsoilfromeachbasinrunoffandinfiltration. The results of thisstudy showedthe effectin terms oftexturesin thedrift, themoremechanicalgroupsdriftingin the threesoilsareprimarilysiltgroup, followed by the mudpack, thensand, and clay soilswith ahigh percentageofsiltmosterosionofclay soilswith alowpercentageofsilt, followed bysandyclayloamsoils, wherethe amount ofsoillostfromthe clay soilreachedwith a high contentofsilt147.7t/ h/y, andthe lowclaycontentofsilt118.5t/ h/y, while the soilwithtexturesLummisandyclay, reaching 90.5t / h/y.And soil erosion that attaches primarily by college carbonates then dispersion ratio of organic matter and then finally percentage silt.
Repetition ,which abounds in literary works –whether it turns into a linguistic system that abides or evades a certain rule-emerges ,as a stylistic and distinctive sign which contributes to an appreciation of specific characteristic of the literar y style of the work under study .therefore, this concise paper seeks to approach the average of the incident of repetition which ,through the curves shown ,reveals the distinctive stylistic signs of Al-Shabbi,s poem On Life ,and endeavors to show the function of this device on the level of the linguistic construction of the text or system in question ,and the level of the text's general structure ,via this statistic and stylistic practice.
Repetition is an expression style which the Prophet used in his call. And it is a famous Arabic style since ancient times that Arabic scholars reffered to Repetition is two parts: Repetition in the meaning only and Repetition in the pronounce and the meaning. Repetition of an the Prophet,s style may was in word or phrase or form, or was in Repetition an article or a letter in a word. This type of Repetition had been used so much, and the meaning in tradition was widespreading according to the function of prophet which was the conveyancing. Repetition has many aims as: warning of something or awaking of it, threatening and pressing in praying, adaptation in the language of Arabs, enjoying and courting and some other aims.
يتناول هذا البحث مفهوم مصطلح الإيقاع الداخلي أو الموسيقا الداخلية، و يطرح بديلا أوصف منه متمّثلا في مفهومين هما الإيقاعات الرديفة و الإيقاعات البديلة. و هي تكون رديفة حين يتوافر في العمل الأدبي وزن، و تكون بديلة حين لا يتوافر في العمل عنصر وزن. و قد رصد البحث عناصر الّتكرار و أنواعه التي أسهمت في صناعة هذا الّنوع من الإيقاع غير الوزني، من خلال دراسة اثني عشر نمطًا من أنماط الّتكرار و هذا يوضح مدى ما للتكرار من إسهام في صناعة هذه الإيقاعات. ثم يفرد البحث عنوانًا خاصا للّتكرارات التي كانت تمثل شطرًا من علم البديع، و قد رصد منها سبعة عشر نمطًا، ليخلص إلى أن ثمة اهتمامًا بهذه الإيقاعات البديلة و الرديفة في التراث البلاغي العربي.
This research deals with the phenomenon of combining rhetoric and poetry at a number of the Gahleon, and the statement of the effect of this combining in their poetry, explaining through the issue of conflict of prestige betweenthe orator and the poe t in pre-Islamic era, and how this conflict has been compromised between who combined the technocracy, as the research shows the reason oflack of those who gathered between technocracy. The effect of combining in poetry is dealt with research on two levels: the stylistic level, and shows all forms of repetition: repeating letters, words and methods. While appears in the substantive level (moral): the pursuit of incomprehensible, the concentration on thinking and subjects, and the large number of wisdom and wills.
تناول هذا البحث جماليات تكرار الأحداث في قصص القرآن، فبدأ بعرض مفهوم التٌكرار في اللغة، ثم أوضح معنى التٌكرار في القصٌة أو الرواية، و بيٌن أنواعه الثلاثة المتمثلة في التٌكرار الزائد و تكرار الحدث و تكرار السرد، ثم ذكر معنى التواتر أو التردد، و الاحتمالات القائمة عليه .
This study aims to study the phenomenon of repetition in the commentator Zuhair ibn Abi Salma, a phenomenon that is clearly manifested in his comment, which is related to some extent closely to the structure of the poet psychological and existenti al, as the repetition of the poet chooses a combination of linguistic structures and stylistic elements. A selective process of language-language spirit, which reveals the secret of his tendency to this stylistic style.
this study aim to discover the formatiey of sound and to analyize semantics to find out the whole and partial image .

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا