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A human being awareness of his\her surrounding built environment directly affects his-her life and behaviors. Therefore, working to improve this environment and reveal its aesthetic values can change people’s reactions towards the place itself and it can cause real changes in their attitudes towards each other In brief, this presentation is trying to find out about the built environment and the aesthetic values, which contribute in its realizations. It also discusses the effect of such values on the individuals' behavior by listing some local , Arabic and foreign experiences that have improved the built environment, using simple means as well as involving the locals in the aesthetic developing process of their own region in order to create positive changes in their manners which appears by their manners .
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics. Sublime indicates from one hand adding respect and veneration to what the sublime person does including noble actions, through which he gets higher than others. And this what generosity can do being a way to reach the sublime, thus we privileged generosity and showing its relation tosublime asan aesthetic value. Therefore, generosity is an individual and social trait which is achieved through giving money or doing a Nobile action, which makes the person who does it deserve respect and reverence. Hence, the value off sublime is to reveal the generosity aspect when it is formed in oneself, and this is as the sublime value is reflected in others, who benefited from it, watched it or heard about it.
Aims find dismantling infrastructure formative to see Marcuse cash – analytical, of how the like can be art: imagination- or what he called the new sensitivity – to play in a matter of revolutionizing awareness and the formation of perception. Workin g tools new knowledge motivation main breeding aesthetic actor, and a new language- to create a new world on the level of thought and reality. In a world possible for a rational civilization technologically advanced, and required by the overall process of the process of production of the necessities, and the policies of capital, and market volatility, and means of Mass communication, and methods of advertising…..etc. that reinforce the foundations of the entire system of control and coordination and domination strips in advance of cash protest, opposition and all of its weapons, and fake awareness, and reduce the internal dimension of culture and thought, and creates countless needs of Pseudomonas. However converts individual selves as a whole, as things to tools running in a huge total productive, derives its raison derter, and the continuation of his, and his strength, and the inclusion of dominance, the productivity of a huge, and productivity than do those of the achievements in the various level of life.
The problem of this research is represented by this question : what are the available aesthetic values in the Arabic language book "My language" for the fourth grade of the first circle (series) of the basic educational stage? research aims to rea lize the aesthetic values of the book "My language" for the fourth grade in the first series of the basic educational stage and Presenting suggestions on the light of this study which enrich the book in aesthetic values ,This research helps in presenting Suggestions which can help the designers of the books and courses in developing the Arabic language books for other grades, the methodology of research depends on the descriptive method in presenting the problem and explain its sides the objective limits the Arabic language book “My language “for the fourth grade in the Syrian Arab Republic and the time limits the year 2013 – 2014,the research tools are a card for analyzing the Arabic language book “My language” into aesthetic values, A card for analyzing the Arabic language book “My language” into aesthetic values depending on the content, and the results of the research The Research gets the following results , for answering the aniston the book concentrates on aesthetic values and neglects others, some of values are available100%and a large section of them are available17% ,there are general suggestions, which they are the following 1- Revising the book is the subject of this study according to its results2-Studying the teacher and education supervisors and the specialists before starting developing the studying books,3-Doingsimilar researches for the Arabic language books ”MyLanguage”,
Factors affecting the usage of removable partial dentures (RPDs) are still controversial. Since the RPD usage is partly related to patients’ personality, variations among different population is expected. This study aimed to evaluate the factors that influence the RPDs denture usage in patients of undergraduate students of Damascus University by using telephone call one-year after delivery.
The researcher study the color concept in modern age, and clarify the theories of harmony and contrast of colors. Also he talked about the color philosophy, which include a study of the relation between color and shape, form, space…, and a study o f the psychological' colors effects on number of interiors, Residential, Educational, Cultural, Commercial, Health care… Finally, the research end to give the most important considerations and steps that should be followed in the study to any color scheme of an interior space, in a way that achieve the functional aspect as first, and aesthetic aspect as second.

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