تُعَدُّ قضيَّةُ السَّرِقاتِ الشِّعريَّة من أقدم القضايا الَّتي اهتمَّ بها نُقَّادُنا القُدامى , و حَفلوا بها , و عالجوا التُّهم الَّتي تقاذفها الشُّعراء فيما بينهم في محاكم النَّقد, أو الَّتي بيَّنها عُلماء العربيَّة و كشفوها , و لا شَكَّ أنَّ هذه القضيَّة تمرُّ بإشكالاتٍ كييرةٍ , و مُتغيِّرات مُتعدِّدة , منها ما هو مُرتبطٌ بجوهر الشِّعر نفسه , ومنها ما هو مُرتبطٌ بالزَّمن و تغيُّراته مع ما يُرافقه من تحوّلات حضاريَّة ترتبط بالشَّاعر نفسه و المُتلقِّي أيضاً.
و ذو الرُّمَّة واحدٌ من هؤلاء الشُّعراء , أَخَذ من سَابِقيه , و أَغار على بعض شِعْر معاصريه , و قد تنوَّعت سرقاته بين أخذه الشِّعرَ لفظاً و معنى , و بين اكتفائه بالمعنى دون اللفظ ( و هو ما يُسمَّى بالنَّظر و الملاحظة ) . وسَرقاته تجري على نوعين : النَّوع الأول ما هو واضحٌ بالقرينة, و الثاني ما ذكره العلماءُ , و نصُّوا عليه , و قد كان مُتناصاً مع غيره من الشّعراء , إمّا لفظاً و امّا مضموناً , و في أحايين تجمع تناصاته بين الاثنين معاً .
على أنّ ذا الرُّمة قال إنه لا يجري في شعره على معاني غيرِه من الشُّعراء , و لا يَعُدُّ لقصائده مثالاً من شِعْر غيره , ولا يَحْذوها على شيءٍ سَمِعَه , و لكن ما يأتي لا يجري مع قوله بل ينقض ما قال.
The poetical piracy is considred one of the most important issues
which old critics dealt, with cavefully.
They dealt with the accusations which were known among them,
or which were cleared by Arab critics of literature and that were
No doubt this subject faces many difficulties and changes
including what is linked with the gist the poetry itself, and some
linked with time, and its changes associated with civilized changes
linked with the poet himself, and with the recipient, too.
THI AL- RUMMAH is one those poets, he inspired from early
writers, and copied from many his contemporary poets.
His poitical piracy of poetry was varied by taking poetry uttrly and
meaning fully and explained his choice meaning fully more than
uttrley. His poetical piracy is divided into two kinds:
1- one kind is cleared by evidence ( presumptions).
2- the second mentional scientests and confirmed it.
THI AL-RUMMAH said that the meanings from other poets, but
what was said about him is one the contrary of this saying, and
refuses it.
References used
الآمديّ 1961 م المؤتلف و المختلف , تح: عبد السَّتَّار فراج , دار إحياء الكتب العربيَّة , القاهرة .
.الأخطل, 1971 م شعره , تح : د . فخر الدِّين قباوة , دار الفكر , دمشق , ط 1 .
الأصفهانيّ أبو الفرج , 2002 م , الأغاني , تح : د . إحسان عبَّاس . د. إبراهيم السَّعَّافين . بكر عبَّاس , دار صادر , بيروت , ط 1
Many images of sea, sea waves and ships is repeated in al-Jahili poetry; sometimes,
such images are formulated partially in one single line of verse or as a quick flicker, if not
such those detailed or circumlocutory images; other times, they occur
This research studies a new method of analogy that AI-Hazly had used in his poetry, the circular imagery. It also studies the effect of this method and its role in communicating the minute details of meaning with the listener and acknowledges AI-Hazl
This research studies the elements of "story telling" in the
Andalus‘s poetry in " al-Twaef " age in. Some poets tended to display
in their poems some elements of the art of storytelling. They narrated
their adventures and certain incidents that f
Al-Mutanabbi, as we all know, is a poet who filled the world with poetry providing a
tale and reflecting the sublimity of creation and art.He is still like a torrential spring from
which scholars drinkn to quench the thierdt of their pens in search
This paper reveals critical issues dealt with by al-Sharif al-
Murtadah in his poetry. These issues were then dealt with by critics of the
day. Al-Murtadh included in his poetry such themes as ''The Nature of
poetry" ; "Incentives to artistic inno