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The sublime’s value in hero poems in Jahili poetry

الجليل في لوحات البطل في الشعر الجاهلي

1377   1   35   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics . The Galilee in one of the manifestations of fear and power - Based on these two principles- It can be embodied in the image of the hero , Because he faces his fear ramming it , Impervious to death , This intrusion is based on the principle of force , So is the manifestation of an individual tournament , Because the hero has a distinct recipes , Not owned by someone else . research depends on the selection of the Poetry models Describes the image of the hero Which becomes solemn Through its potential Which is trying to achieve it , And while achieved proves itself , And makes it superior to others with , And poets have legalized the language in these selected models make it sensuous standard And psychological And mental for al Jalil which the feeling self for a way to prove majesty .

References used
ابن الطفيل، عامر. الديوان ، تحقيق وشرح محمد نبيل طريفي، دار كنان، دمشق،ط 1, 1994
ابن منظور الإفريقي المصري. لسان العرب، دار صادر، بيروت ، الطبعة الأولى، 1992 م
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This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics. Sublime indicates from one hand adding respect and veneration to what the sublime person does including noble actions, through which he gets higher than others. And this what generosity can do being a way to reach the sublime, thus we privileged generosity and showing its relation tosublime asan aesthetic value. Therefore, generosity is an individual and social trait which is achieved through giving money or doing a Nobile action, which makes the person who does it deserve respect and reverence. Hence, the value off sublime is to reveal the generosity aspect when it is formed in oneself, and this is as the sublime value is reflected in others, who benefited from it, watched it or heard about it.
Many images of sea, sea waves and ships is repeated in al-Jahili poetry; sometimes, such images are formulated partially in one single line of verse or as a quick flicker, if not such those detailed or circumlocutory images; other times, they occur as comprehensive images that embody the poet's collective literary experience, upon which textual symbols are structured in the form of oppositional or substitutive functions and suggestions. This piece of research concludes that such maritime images take place in three contexts: either in the howdahs' or riding camels journeys in which the image of the shiphowdah or ship-camel appears; or, in love poetry, in which the image of the pearl woman appears. Or, they may occur while disclosing the poetical self when highly indulged in rhetoric, semantics and oration, not to mention vainglory, generosity and hospitality speeches. In brief, this research attempts to explain the relationship of such images to the structure of the al-Jahili poem, the poetical self, the human temperament, and his psychological and cultural horizons.
This paper aims at shedding critical light upon the character of the "anti-hero" in English literature; therefore, it first offers a critical definition of the hero and the qualities which he has such as virtue, bravery, magnanimity and goodness. Then it moves to compare the hero with anti-hero who is characterized by cowardice, deceit and evil. It also traces the incidences of the anti-hero in several literary works which center upon him which will help us formulate a clear vision of this character.
It is almost well known that Franz Kafka has practiced serious influences on so many Arabic novelists and short story writers, especially in the sixties and the seventies of last century. Among the most important and central themes in this writer' s works is what we call (The authority and the chased hero). And being one of Kafka's most influential themes on Arabic novelists, we have chosen it as the topic of this paper. For the practical study we took, on one side, all Kafka's novels, and on the other, that is the Arabic novels, we took some of four writers' novels. Those four writers are: Fadhil al- Azzawi, Jabra I. Jabra, George Salim and Muhyi Eldeen Zangana. The study traces the encounter faces between the novels of Kafka and those of the chosen Arabic novelists.
يناقش هذا البحث ملامح البطولة الأسطورية في الشعر الجاهلي, هذه البطولة التي تجسدت بوضوح في الأدب اليوناني كملاحم هوميروس ( الإلياذة ) و ( الأوديسة ) في حين لم يعرفها العرب في الجاهلية.
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