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This research is based on deconstructing the mechanism of the hidden system of term, in its analytical applications on the two modes (virility / femininity) in Al-Ghathami's cultural criticism. In order to reveal the problems of this monetary term th at those concerned with cultural criticism in general, or criticism of Al-Ghathami's production in particular. They are problems that can be classified into three types. The first is the paradox / contradiction, which is when there are two texts of Al- Ghathami in one subject, and they are opposite or contradictory, i.e. transcribing one another. The second problem is the problem of play, and it is the text that carries another reading other than the reading of food, which the recipient can memorize through the tools of cultural criticism and its mechanisms themselves. The third type is the problem of sin, which is the text that carries a critical connotation that contradicts and abolishes the cultural criticism mechanism.
The interpretation of my reading art is based on the transition from the direct meaning in the apparent form to the indirect meaning in the implicit pattern, and verbal functions, images, and loaded structures are strongly suggestive. The critics of pre-Islamic poetry have enriched the old literature, adding to it the dimensions of literacy, and their interpretations of psychological meanings and profound semantics, indicating beyond the apparent textual levels, to various explanatory meanings, gave the textual poetry poetic content another poetry is the receipt. The interpretations of the critics presented a variety of purposes, based on the linguistic explanation, and the will of the poet at other times. The opinion of the reader and his convictions may intervene in this position, but they are interpretations, regardless of their degree of credibility or persuasion. They presented modern thought and opened up new texts. Jahili with a different vision.
The research handles the framework values in Al-kafoureyat speech by reading this speech in a cultural way to remove the rhetorical covers under which hides these values with the aim to capture them ,highlight their spots in the text of Al-kafourey at ,explaining the mechanism by which they hide and discussing hypocrisy, greed, beggary, self-centeredness, eliminating others and racism as results of the most outstanding framework in Al-kafoureyat speech and values employed in Al-kafoureyat text in a way that reflects Al-moutanabi's mentality which is based on a hierarchy in which ego occupies the highest position and passes value judgements on others from it's bumptious position and according to ego qualifications .Using the mechanism of cultural criticism, the research works on stripping the hidden framework with the aim of prosecuting it, exposing it's patterns and standards, breaking it's solid molds and refuting it's arguments.
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics . The Galilee in one of the manifestations of fear and power - Based on these two principles- It can be embodied in the image of the hero , B ecause he faces his fear ramming it , Impervious to death , This intrusion is based on the principle of force , So is the manifestation of an individual tournament , Because the hero has a distinct recipes , Not owned by someone else . research depends on the selection of the Poetry models Describes the image of the hero Which becomes solemn Through its potential Which is trying to achieve it , And while achieved proves itself , And makes it superior to others with , And poets have legalized the language in these selected models make it sensuous standard And psychological And mental for al Jalil which the feeling self for a way to prove majesty .
This research tries to concentrate on an essential and important issue in symbolic logic, which is the calculus of propositions in Rassell's logic. By studying this issue we will be able to understand propositions in Rassell's logic and its relati onship with facts because of the great relationship between them. also we are going to know his opinion of Aristote's Categorical proposition. This research aims to study the issue of simple truth functions which are treated by calculus of propositions and deals with it as axiomatic and clarify the difference between material implication and formal implication. Finally it studies the axiomatic in calculus of propositions depending on the book principles of mathematics.
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics. Sublime indicates from one hand adding respect and veneration to what the sublime person does including noble actions, through which he gets higher than others. And this what generosity can do being a way to reach the sublime, thus we privileged generosity and showing its relation tosublime asan aesthetic value. Therefore, generosity is an individual and social trait which is achieved through giving money or doing a Nobile action, which makes the person who does it deserve respect and reverence. Hence, the value off sublime is to reveal the generosity aspect when it is formed in oneself, and this is as the sublime value is reflected in others, who benefited from it, watched it or heard about it.
This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability of the references related to the su bject, we are going to study the theoretical problem about the concept of "system" in the Arabic thought, and to distinguish between the "system" and the "doctrine", trying to define the "philosophical system" and to clarify it's characters.

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