يعرض المقال و يناقش لدور اختصاصي المكتبات و المعلومات في إدارة المعرفة
كدور لا يختلف من حيث المبدأ عن ممارسات إدارة المعلومات و عملياتها، و لكن
التغييرات الجذرية في بيئة الأعمال أضافت محددات و نشاطات إلى التطبيقات التقليدية في معالجة المعلومات. المعرفة ليست مجرد وثائق و ملفات و برامج يتم تقاسمها بل الكثير منها يكمن في عقول الأفراد و الجماعات و عليه فإن إدارتها أكثر من مجرد تعرف المعلومات الصريحة المتدفقة و كيفية انتقاء المطلوب منها و اقتنائه و تنظيمه، و كيف تطور دور أمين المكتبة ليصبح مدير معرفة. و يعرض و يناقش المهارات المطلوبة لإدارة المعرفة و الفهم المطلوب لتكوين مدير معرفة ناجح.
The article discuss the library and information specialist role in
knowledge management as a role that is not different in principle from
the traditional role in managing information. But the changes in the
surrounding environment has added new borders and applications in
processing information. Knowledge is not just about documents, files and
programs that can be shared as it is based in people and group heads, this
managing knowledge is more than learning about the explicit knowledge
coming through but also selecting the required, filtering and organizing it
as well. Furthermore, the article argues the skills and understanding
required to be a good knowledge manager.
References used
Advinsson, L. (1997) “Developing Intellectual Capital at Skandia”. Long Range Planning. Vol. 30, pp. 355 – 373
Albert, Judith and Ernst Young (2000). “Is Knowledge Management Really the Future of Information Professionals?” In Knowledge Management for the Information Professional edited by T. Kanti Srikantaiah and Michael E. D. Koenig. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc. pp. 63-75
Boisot, M. (1998) Knowledge assets: securing competitive advantage in the information economy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press
This study aims to identify the concept of Knowledge management as considering it
as one of the new management theory that many organization trying to apply it useful of
his advantage, also the aim was to identify the Knowledge procedures and cause
The study aims to recognize the essence and the concept of
information and knowledge and its roles in societies ' development.
And it deals with the importance of information and knowledge
economy and its roles in constriction the digital gap amon
Teaching library and information science has been under pressure in
the last decades to shift and reorganize the fundamental approach to the
traditional library profession to an information technology studies in the
first phase and postgraduate le
The study aims to analyze the rehabilitation program for indexers in library
department, the study will shed light on the role of the information and libraries in the
indexing syllabi studied and his/her indexing skills and to what extent he/she ke
This research aims to discuss "knowledge management and its technology"
and " managerial development" and the relations between them.
Researcher has concluded that organizations get many benefits and achieve
entrepreneurship by application of know