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Administrative behavior patterns according to the theory of Rnss Likert of secondary education managers in the province of Damascus and their relationship to decision-making

أنماط السلوك الإداري وفقاً لنظرية رنسس ليكرت لدى مديري التعليم الثانوي في محافظة دمشق و علاقتها باتخاذ القرار

1974   2   255   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to learn more about management styles prevalent among secondary school principals from the perspective of teachers. And know the level of participation of teachers in the decisionmaking process. And defines the relationship between the management styles of the managers of secondary education and decision-making process. And know the differences between the scores of the answers sample individuals to identify patterns and to identify administrative decision depending on the variables of research: (qualification, years of experience). And adopted a researcher on the analytical descriptive approach, and the researcher used a questionnaire to measure patterns of four administrative behavior patterns, and to identify the decision. The sample search of (246) and a school teacher of teachers of secondary education in the province of Damascus.

References used
الأنصاري، بدر، 2000 - قياس الشخصية. دار الكتب الحديث، الكويت، ص 113
دويدار، عبد الفتاح، 2006 - المرجع في مناهج البحث في علم النفس و فنيات كتابة البحث العلمي. ط 4، دار المعرفة الجامعية، الإسكندرية، مصر، ص 76
ربيع، هادي، 2006 - الإدارة المدرسية و الإشراف التربوي الحديث. مكتبة المجتمع . العربي، عمان، الأردن، ص 195
rate research

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The research aims to learn more about management styles prevalent among managers of kindergartens from the viewpoint of the parameters. Creative behavior and know the level of kindergarten teachers in the province of Damascus. It defines the relat ionship between the administrative and creative patterns and behavior. And know the differences between the scores of answers to sample individuals to identify managerial styles and to identify creative behavior depending on the variables of research: (qualification, years of experience). And it adopted a researcher on the analytical descriptive approach, and the researcher used a questionnaire to measure patterns of four administrative behavior patterns, and identify creative behavior. The sample consisted of search (238) parameter of kindergarten teachers in the province of Damascus.
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This research aims at present to detective the correlation between Administrative Innovation and the Job performance , as well as to detect differences between the average scores High-School Head- Masters in Damascus City at the scale of Administr ative Innovation and a measure of Job performance among members according to the following changes (experience variable - kind of school variable). To achieve this goal has been to use the following tools: Questionnaire to measure the Administrative Innovation of the preparation of researcher. And a measure the phenomenon of Job performance of the preparation of preparation of researcher . The study sample consists of (68) male and female High-School Head-Masters in Damascus City.
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