تعتبر حركة الشمس من العوامل المؤثرة على حياة الإنسان,و ينبغي الاهتمام بدراستها بقصد الاستفادة منها أو الحماية من أشعتها.و يمكن تحديد مسار الشمس و حساب زواياها في مدينة حمص,في أي وقت من أيام السنة.و ذلك بالاعتماد على برامج التصميم المعماري و محاكاة سلوك المبنى,وصولا إلى جداول و رسومات مطبوعة و ملفات رقمية تساعد المعماريين في عملية التصميم الشمسي.
Sun movement considered one of the effective factor in human life, it should be studied in order to use or protect from it. sun path and its angles can be specified in hims city any time all year long, That can be done with Computer-assisted Architectural Design and Building Performance Simulator. Reaching for schedules, printed diagrams and digital files that can help architects in solar design process.
References used
Cruz Lopez - P. B,2011- Solar Thermal Collector in Facades- Collecting solar thermal energy for heating and cooling purposes. TU Delft Netherlands ,178 p
HORVAT-M, WALL-M,2012- Solar Design of Buildings for Architects: Review of Solar Design Tools. International Energy Agency- Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, T.41.B.3,117 p
Fieber-A,2005- Building Integration of Solar Energy - A Multifunction Approach.Lund University Sweden, 208 p
This research has been implemented in Homs city-Syria, in order to study the
configuration of the road network in residential district, and the debates about the most
efficient pattern in terms of functional performance, treeor grid pattern, or oth
Breast cancer is the most widespread types of cancer among women. An efficient
diagnosis in its early stage can give women a better chance of full recovery. Calcification
is the important sign for early breast cancer detection. Mammography is the m
Computer crimes are Intelligent crimes committed in secret.
The offender has a high level of technical expertise, and the main
objective is to undermine the owners of the programs and
information and their rights, whether natural or legal persons,
We have studied the attenuation of the surface rapid magnetic waves in the sun resulting from solar radiation and collisions and their role in heating the layers of the chromosphere and the corona of the sun, considering that this damping may be one
This research focuses on optimising the traffic control at ( Al-
TARBYA) signalised intersection in Homs city to improve its
capacity and the Level Of Service (LOS).
The importance of this research comes from analysing the
movement of vehicles, p