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Evidence of Computer Crimes

الإثبات في جرائم الحاسب الآلي

1006   0   15   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Computer crimes are Intelligent crimes committed in secret. The offender has a high level of technical expertise, and the main objective is to undermine the owners of the programs and information and their rights, whether natural or legal persons, and may extend to include the state and its secrets. The multiplicity of these crimes makes it difficult to detect, and pursue the offender, because they do not leave any trace behind. This makes it more difficult to prove and investigate.

References used
THOMPSON.D, 1991-Current Trends in Computer Crime, Computer Control Quarterly, vol-9, No- 1
G.Solomon.M and others,2005-Computer Forensics jump start, published by Wiley Default
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This research is a step to show the eligibility of computer programs to have patents, and provide the required legal protection, hoping it may be a bright spot among favors provided by the people of this country.
Intellectual property laws regulate and protect the rights arising from the design of computer programs and its production along with its special legislation. Thus, the attack on these programs pose a threat to those rights, which its owners did t heir best to produce and benefit their communities. The crime of damaging programs and information is an IT crime considered as a serious attacks mainly on information property. However it's different in the case of damaging crime, as it is not aimed at the enrichment at the expense of others, nor get the programs of others illegally, but targets only damage, destruction and vandalism to others property information without any enrichment.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى تقييم استخدام الحاسب الآلي في نظم معلومات الموارد البشرية في جامعة تشرين، من خلال قياس استخدام الحاسوب في مراحل الإدخال و الإخراج و المعالجة، حيث تم توزيع استبانة على عينة من الموظفين العاملين في مكاتب إدارة الموارد البشرية في ا لكليات و الإدارة المركزية في جامعة تشرين بلغت 88 موظفا، و تم إجراء توصيف للمتغيرات الديمغرافية، و بلغ معامل إلفا كرونباخ 0.828 مما يدل على ثبات المقياس، و خلصت الدراسة إلى انخفاض معدل استخدام الحاسب الآلي في نظم معلومات الموارد، في كل من الإدخال و التخزين، و الإخراج، و العمليات (تخطيط الموارد البشرية، التقييم و ادارة الأداء، الاستقطاب و التعيين، التدريب و التطوير، الاتصال و التواصل)، في حين وجد الباحث استخدام للحاسب الآلي في عمليات إعداد الرواتب و الأجور، و اعتمد الباحث عمى اختبار T ستيودينت لعينة واحدة باستخدام برنامج SPSS بالإصدار رقم 20 لاختبار الفرضيات المعتمدة في البحث.
This research deals with the study of the concept of electoral crime, the types of electoral crimes and the penalties to be imposed on each of them in the Syrian General Elections Law No. 5 of 2014.
Environmental crimes and its subdivide problems have considered the most important challenge that pain humanity now days, especially after the pollution and its various forms has prevailed the world that we live in, and has become serious threat to h uman life and other living organisms. Moral persons and their activities have been considered the most polluting elements to the environment and in the same time many important questions raise in this domain about the opinion of legislation of penal liability of moral persons in environment crimes and the conditions which is required. Therefore it would be useful to lay alight on the penal liability of moral persons and to show the position of legislations in Syria and other countries .

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