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Under the general rule in the proof of legal actions in the Syrian law on evidence in writing, shall not be proof of testimony only within the limits of quantitative quorum for the certificate as stipulated Syrian Evidence Act. However, evidence of proof the law has been passed to testify if required commitment exceeded the value of proven quantitative quorum of the certificate; if a literary mind if found without written guide. This study aims to indicate what the literary inhibitor; and by clarifying cases of literary inhibitor, which allows proof of testimony, also aims to demonstrate the power of the judiciary to appreciate the literary inhibitor, and the consequences of proven literary inhibitor and how to prove.
Computer crimes are Intelligent crimes committed in secret. The offender has a high level of technical expertise, and the main objective is to undermine the owners of the programs and information and their rights, whether natural or legal persons, and may extend to include the state and its secrets. The multiplicity of these crimes makes it difficult to detect, and pursue the offender, because they do not leave any trace behind. This makes it more difficult to prove and investigate.
The study aimed to identify the extent of auditors’ response to assessed risks of material misstatement due to fraud. To achieve the study objective a questionnaire was developed that included the most important audit procedures designed as respon ses to assessed risks of material misstatement due to fraud which are classified according to the International Auditing Standards into two main groups: overall responses at financial statement level, and other ones at assertion level; to identify the extent of auditors’ response to those risks within the research community represented by accredited auditors at Syrian Commission on Financial Markets and Securities (SCFMS).
Reviewed in this paper the most important conditions required by the legislation relating to rules of evidence, where we have to clarify the nature of electronic transactions based on the contracting without paper documents, and its importance and i ts role in facilitating the work of the government rather than paper documents. We concluded that the question of proof may constitute an obstacle to its development as the presence of paper documents is not consistent with the modern administration
Wireless sensor network have become widely used in many civil and military issues. Like all other network, it is exposed to attacks but its simplicity structured (CPU & memory) prevent the traditional defense technic to be applied, so they need a s pecial for defense. Most security researches focus on data righteousness and privacy, in this research we focus on attacks that aimed to the power resources which are referred as Denial Of Sleep attacks (DoS), in this attacks the attacker try to keep the sensor in active phase causing the power source to be drained very quickly so that it is a very dangerous attack. In this research we reviewed the sources of energy Loss in wireless sensor network and classified the attacks that target the power resource, we built a simulation module to analysis the B-MAC protocol response to denial of sleep attacks.
يسعى البحث إلى التعريف بنطاق تطبيق المبدأ في سوق العمل و الدوافع المختلفة له. فضلا عن البحث في موضوع إثباته، من خلال شرح كيفية إثبات التصرف التمييزي و الإجراءات القانونية الواجبة التطبيق في هذه الحالة. استنادًا إلى ما تقدم، ينقسم مخطط البحث إلى مبحثي ن رئيسين: الأول يتناول نطاق تطبيق مبدأ عدم التمييز، و الثاني يبحث في كيفية إثبات التصرف التمييزي.

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