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The Hero and the Anti-hero as Literary Terms

شخصيتا البطل و اللابطل كمفهومين أدبيين

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper aims at shedding critical light upon the character of the "anti-hero" in English literature; therefore, it first offers a critical definition of the hero and the qualities which he has such as virtue, bravery, magnanimity and goodness. Then it moves to compare the hero with anti-hero who is characterized by cowardice, deceit and evil. It also traces the incidences of the anti-hero in several literary works which center upon him which will help us formulate a clear vision of this character.

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Research summary
تهدف هذه الورقة إلى تسليط الضوء النقدي على شخصية 'اللابطل' في الأدب الإنجليزي. تبدأ الورقة بتقديم تعريف نقدي لمصطلح 'البطل' والصفات التي يتحلى بها مثل الفضيلة والشجاعة والعظمة وحب الخير. ثم تنتقل إلى مقارنة البطل باللابطل الذي يتصف بالجبن والمكر والخداع والشر. كما ترصد الورقة ظهور شخصية اللابطل في العديد من الأعمال الأدبية التي تمحورت حول هذه الشخصية، مما يساعد على تشكيل رؤية واضحة لهذه الشخصية. تتناول الورقة أيضًا تطور مفهوم البطل عبر التاريخ الأدبي، بدءًا من البطل الأسطوري وصولاً إلى البطل الساخر. كما تستعرض الورقة مجموعة من الكتاب الذين ساهموا في تشكيل مفهوم اللابطل في الأدب الإنجليزي، مثل مجموعة 'الشباب الغاضبون' في بريطانيا بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية. تقدم الورقة أيضًا تعريفًا لمصطلح 'اللابطل' وتاريخه وأمثلة على شخصيات اللابطل في الأدب العالمي.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم الورقة بحثًا شاملاً ومفصلاً عن مفهوم البطل واللابطل في الأدب الإنجليزي، مما يضيف قيمة كبيرة للأدب النقدي. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول أن الورقة تفتقر إلى تحليل أعمق للأسباب النفسية والاجتماعية التي تدفع الشخصيات لتصبح لابطلة. كما أن الورقة تركز بشكل كبير على الأدب الإنجليزي فقط، مما يحد من شمولية الدراسة. كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر ثراءً إذا تضمنت مقارنة بين شخصيات اللابطل في الأدب الإنجليزي والأدب العالمي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الورقة البحثية؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تسليط الضوء النقدي على شخصية 'اللابطل' في الأدب الإنجليزي ومقارنتها بشخصية 'البطل'.

  2. ما هي الصفات التي يتحلى بها 'البطل' وفقًا للورقة؟

    البطل يتحلى بالفضيلة والشجاعة والعظمة وحب الخير.

  3. من هم 'الشباب الغاضبون' وما دورهم في الأدب الإنجليزي؟

    الشباب الغاضبون هم مجموعة من الكتاب البريطانيين بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية الذين عكسوا التغيرات الاجتماعية في بريطانيا وانتقدوا التقاليد الاجتماعية والسياسية.

  4. ما هي الانتقادات التي يمكن توجيهها لهذه الورقة البحثية؟

    يمكن انتقاد الورقة لعدم تناولها الأسباب النفسية والاجتماعية التي تدفع الشخصيات لتصبح لابطلة، ولتركيزها الكبير على الأدب الإنجليزي فقط دون مقارنة بالأدب العالمي.

References used
Abrams, M. H.A Glossary of Literary Terms. Fort Worth: Harcourt B. College Publishers, 1999
Aristotle. Poetics. Trans.N. Kalayc. Ankara: BilimveSanat, 2005. Auden, W. H. "Ironic Hero: Some Reflections on Don Quixote,"Horizon1949
Baldick, C. The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001
Brombert, Victor. In Praise of Antiheroes: Figures and Themes in Modern EuropeanLiterature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999
Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. New JerseyPrinceton,2004
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It is almost well known that Franz Kafka has practiced serious influences on so many Arabic novelists and short story writers, especially in the sixties and the seventies of last century. Among the most important and central themes in this writer' s works is what we call (The authority and the chased hero). And being one of Kafka's most influential themes on Arabic novelists, we have chosen it as the topic of this paper. For the practical study we took, on one side, all Kafka's novels, and on the other, that is the Arabic novels, we took some of four writers' novels. Those four writers are: Fadhil al- Azzawi, Jabra I. Jabra, George Salim and Muhyi Eldeen Zangana. The study traces the encounter faces between the novels of Kafka and those of the chosen Arabic novelists.
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics . The Galilee in one of the manifestations of fear and power - Based on these two principles- It can be embodied in the image of the hero , B ecause he faces his fear ramming it , Impervious to death , This intrusion is based on the principle of force , So is the manifestation of an individual tournament , Because the hero has a distinct recipes , Not owned by someone else . research depends on the selection of the Poetry models Describes the image of the hero Which becomes solemn Through its potential Which is trying to achieve it , And while achieved proves itself , And makes it superior to others with , And poets have legalized the language in these selected models make it sensuous standard And psychological And mental for al Jalil which the feeling self for a way to prove majesty .
this research is astudy of two important poems,Baayet Al- Bohtori in praise of Al-Fateh bin khakan,andlakyet Al-Moutanabbi in praise of the prince Bader bin Ammar bin Ismael.The two poems have the same purpose- praise- and describe The wrestling b etween The praised and The lion. But The unity of purpose and The main event does not mean That both of The poems share a number of characteristcs,where each poem expresses The artistic style of its own writer and his unique way of expression.
The poetic consciousness of the pre-Islamic period is full of various images of the "hero" whose heroship exceeds the idea of chivalry further up to an extensive richness denoted by the the lexicon of "heroicism", as well as by the poetic capturing of the heroic acts. Thus, a heroic poetry has emerged to be an example followed by many poets later to assimilate those heroic values. Generally speaking, the poet of the pre-islamic period is one of the tribe heroes adapting values of heroship which have always characterised the pre islamic community. Accordingly, the concept of the " war hero" has formed the the poetic consciousness in terms of bravery and strength. So well does the "peace hero" as having been the social hero representing the values of genorosity, good neighbor, and helping the needy. There are also many other values which can't be separated in many poems, especially when connected with collective pride that is often represented by heroes carrying the tribal fanaticism.
This paper seeks to show the development to Henry V's image from a legendary figure into a tragic hero. It first explores his legendary image in the anonymous chronicle play entitled The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth, where he appears as a f olk hero with his patriotic vaunting. Then this study moves to examine the image of Henry V in Shakespeare's Henry IV and Henry V, and proceeds to assert that the playwright presents this hero as an individual who has his personal ambitions for loyalty. But, despite his heroic feats, we note that Shakespeare ironises him because the letter conceals some qualms about his father's usurpation and complicity in Richard II's murder.
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