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Diversity in news recommendation is important for democratic debate. Current recommendation strategies, as well as evaluation metrics for recommender systems, do not explicitly focus on this aspect of news recommendation. In the 2021 Embeddia Hackath on, we implemented one novel, normative theory-based evaluation metric, activation'', and use it to compare two recommendation strategies of New York Times comments, one based on user likes and another on editor picks. We found that both comment recommendation strategies lead to recommendations consistently less activating than the available comments in the pool of data, but the editor's picks more so. This might indicate that New York Times editors' support a deliberative democratic model, in which less activation is deemed ideal for democratic debate.
Democracy is a historical concept that has taken various forms and implementations, though essentially the highest example of the equality of people in life opportunities of all political, economic and social spheres, allows each person to develop his skills, and unleash his potential to achieve self-realization. There is dissimilarity between sophists about the concept of democracy. Some sophists believe that the democracy is a regime which is represented in political aspects such as election and voting..., And Some sophists believe it as a life system that organizes social and economic relations in society, this is called social democracy. Others believe that the democracy is the both a regime and a life system. The expression of democracy in Greek form was inspired in ancient Athens in the fifth century BC, Athenian democracy is considered as of the first models to use contemporary concepts of democratic rule,This research is addressing the democracy with Greek sophists and some of modern sophists. Over time, the meaning of democracy has evolved since the eighteenth century with the emergence of successive democratic regimes in many countries of the world.
Citizenship is identified in terms of a constellation of rights intermingled with social and political duties including the right to vote, enjoying the public liberties related to political practice, and occupying general posts, etc. Such contribut ion is based on the principle of equality, and acknowledging the full membership of the individual within his community. The citizen, however, is obsessed by elevating the civilization of his homeland, and continuing its history of progress and modernity. Authority is a political and economic concept the existence of which requires the status of human conglomeration. Hypothetically, it should be elected democratically. Its function is to avail multifaceted services in order to guarantee the continuity of society and government, thus, the citizen and the state. Henceforward, authority types basically spring from the variety of services that are supposed to provide to society and citizens. The practical applicability of the principle of citizenship is likely to ensure the strength of states and the availability of the elements of its independent existence, the sovereignty of its authority, its citizens' monitoring of its treasures and wealth, its officials' keenness to keep it progressed and elevated, and their dedication to keep it upright. Accordingly, what is the relationship between rights and duties? What is the relationship of each of them to citizenship and authority?
In the present time, political parties play a fundamental and significant role in the process of building a democratic system, as they have a vital role in education and democracy, and they act as a bridge that connects the community with the poli tical system .The body of political parties has become one of the practical and institutional guarantees for democratic practices through its contribution to development and political modernization, activating the political participation process, guiding the public opinion and following the government's work, and here emerges the significant role that could be played by the new Syrian political parties Law issued by legislative Decree No.(100) for the year 2011, in reinforcing the foundations of democratic political life in Syria, extending the horizon of political participation and making the way for a real party and political pluralism that can be demonstrated in the ballot boxes. Played by the new Syrian political parties Law issued by legislative Decree No. (100) for the year 2011, in reinforcing the foundations of democratic political life in Syria, extending the horizon of political participation and making the way for a real party and political pluralism that can be demonstrated in the ballot boxes.
As a result of research, one can conclude that there are many differences between the attitudes of teachers in the suburb and the city towards school management. The relationship between school managers and teachers in the suburb is so friendly and w armly than the relationship between them in the city. This will definitely affect the attitudes of teachers toward the school administration. There are also many differences between the attitudes of male and female teachers and towards the school administration, because women always tend to do their best, but sometimes her thoughts don't accord with the school manger's thoughts. This will in turn create a gap between their thoughts and points of view. As a result, female teachers' attitude toward the school administration will be affected. As we know the school administration has a significant impact on activating the role of teachers, as it will always stand behind any failure or success.It represents the educational goals and policy and has the responsibility of translating them to real work. School mangers with strong personality have the power to positively affecttheir teachers. They also play a seminal rolein achieving the main goals of their schools. So, the success of the school depends on the way it is managed, and the general system of any school is related with the quality of the manger and the way the school is being managed.
Intervention for implementing democracy is considered of the International field, more specifically how legitimate it is in terms of international relations and how can adaptation between democracy as a human right be achieve in relations to the main principle on which the international system in its contemporary format, more specifically the principle of illegitimacy. intervention as part of the international, democracy.

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