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As a result of research, one can conclude that there are many differences between the attitudes of teachers in the suburb and the city towards school management. The relationship between school managers and teachers in the suburb is so friendly and w armly than the relationship between them in the city. This will definitely affect the attitudes of teachers toward the school administration. There are also many differences between the attitudes of male and female teachers and towards the school administration, because women always tend to do their best, but sometimes her thoughts don't accord with the school manger's thoughts. This will in turn create a gap between their thoughts and points of view. As a result, female teachers' attitude toward the school administration will be affected. As we know the school administration has a significant impact on activating the role of teachers, as it will always stand behind any failure or success.It represents the educational goals and policy and has the responsibility of translating them to real work. School mangers with strong personality have the power to positively affecttheir teachers. They also play a seminal rolein achieving the main goals of their schools. So, the success of the school depends on the way it is managed, and the general system of any school is related with the quality of the manger and the way the school is being managed.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تعرف اتجاهات المعلمين و الطلبة نحو استخدام التعلم الإلكتروني في العلوم. و تكونت عينة المعلمين من (28) معلماً و معلمة ممن درسوا مادة الفيزياء المحوسبة للصف الأول الثانوي العلمي، و (118) طالباً موزعين على خمس مجموعات في ثلاث مدا رس ثانوية للذكور في محافظة الكرك، منها أربع مجموعات تجريبية تعلمت من خلال (الإنترنت، القرص المدمج، الإنترنت مع القرص المدمج، المعلم مع جهاز عرض البيانات) و مجموعة ضابطة تعلمت بوساطة (الطريقة الاعتيادية).

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