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Evolution of drinking water consumption in relation with demographic situation in Tartous governorate

تطور استهلاك مياه الشرب و علاقته بالواقع الديموغرافي في محافظة طرطوس

1503   0   15   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper examines the evolution of drinking water consumption in Tartous governorate during the period (2009 - 2014) and its relationship to the emerging demographic situation related to the presence of displaced people, in order to evaluate the drinking water investment efficiency and to identify actions that will develop this sector.

References used
FREDERICK, D., 2001 - Water resources and climate change. In: Toman MA, editor, Climate change economics and policy: an RFF anthology. Washington (DC), Resources for the Future, Earthscan. p. 67–74
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KESHAVARZI, A.R.; SHARIFZADEH, M.; HAGHIGHI, K.; AMIN, A. S.; KESHTKAR, SH., BAMDAD, A., 2006 - Rural domestic water consumption behavior: A case study in Ramjerd area, Fars province, Iran. Water Research, Vol. 40, N° 6, 1173-1178
rate research

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The problem of drinking water scarcity exacerbates in some villages in Tartous governorate making water conservation a priority. The aim of this study is to identify the patterns and practices of household water consumption of a sample of water su bscribers in Tartous governorate in order to determine the procedures through which to rationalize the consumption of drinking water. For this purpose, a survey of 150 household water subscribers was conducted. The answers were then subjected to a statistical analysis. The results indicated the presence of a high percentage of those who follow the procedures for rationalizing the consumption of water within the sample (95.3%), and a low percentage of those who have the techniques for reducing water consumption (4.7%). The majority of those surveyed (87.3%) objected to increasing the price of water as a measure to reducing water consumption. The study revealed that there is a good aqueous awareness in the governorate on which one can rely in rationalizing the consumption of drinking water through awareness campaigns.
Water sources in Syrian coastal area have a great importance due to the variety of the sources and the urgent needs to water for drinking and irrigation. Therefore great efforts are made to protect water sources from contaminants. This research aim ed to study some contaminant indicators in some drinking water sources in the Syrian coastal area. The study included determining the concentrations of nitrates, nitrites and some heavy metals including lead, cadmium and zinc in water samples taken from five sources of water distributed from north Lattakia to north Tartous. The results showed that the concentrations of nitrate, nitrite and heavy metals differ depending on the water source. However, all these concentrations were lower and within the acceptable limits of Syrian standard for drinking water. The study concluded that water resources in the coastal area are distinguished with their relative purity and contaminants little reach.
Fluoride ion is present in high concentration in some regions in Syria. As fluoride occurs naturally in water, We have studied some methods of fluoride removal such as Nalgonda technique and activated carbon method. In Nalgonda technique we add Al um and lime to the water, and we have found that fluoride removal efficiency remains constant when the initial concentrations of fluoride changes, or when the chloride ions exists in water, but it depends on pH, and get better when the method is investigated in two steps. In addition, adsorption of fluoride decreases with increasing sedimentation time, or using Ventilated lime or CaCO3 instead of Ca (OH)2. In activated carbon method we have done different experiments by using charcoal of coconut coir, date seeds and olive seeds. And we have found that olive seeds carbon is better than others, and its fluoride removal efficiency increases after impregnation with solution of 2% Al2(SO4)3.
Drinking water is too neccessary for everyone .It must be pure and healthy.Turbidity is one of the most important problems in water .It may cause damage for humanbeings . So it must be controlled. This search aims to determine the suitability of dosing AL2(SO4)3·18 H2O, ,FeSO4.7H2O with the intention of reducing turbidity levels to acceptable limits . In the present study , a series of jar test was conducted to evaluate the optimum pH, dosage and performance parameters for coagulants,.We studied the effect of AL2(SO4)3·18 H2O, ,FeSO4.7H2O dosage on reducing of turbidity, The influence of pH on turbidity reducing , and the effect of slow mixing time on turbidity . And turbidity reducing by AL2(SO4)3·18 H2O was removed 96 % of the total turbidity. And turbiditu reducing by FeSO4.7H2O was removed 98 % of the total turbidity.
This research discusses the problem of drinking water shortage and distribution instability in Salamyeh city due to the current crisis. Salamyeh city dependents on Orontes River as a source for drinking water through Hama water supply facility, wh ich sufferes repeated sabbotage attacks. As a result, an emergency measure was implemented by depending on local water sources within the city, which are deep wells that produce water of sulphuric nature.Three desalination plants were provided to treat local sulphuric water producing suitable safe water, but these plants production is way less than the city needs.
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