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Studies and research about rhetoric have varied concerning the definition of rhetoric, but most of them look at rhetoric from on side only. Rhetoric was classified as being a kind of research concerned with the art of persuasion in its techniques, means and components. But it is certain that the political and social conditions of the greak life, led these philosophical studies and linguistic research especially, rhetoric. This made Aristotle divide rhetoric into three sections. The research delt with two main titles, the first one was Rhetoric according to Aristotle. It combines between mans ability to speak and express on one hand becavse man is a speaker and expressor who naturally looks for persuasion. In his speech, he tries to convince as many people as possible. To do this, he uses many instinctive means. Aristotle was concerned with rhetoric due to its mental and psychological sides. He tried to find a kind of balance between the means of persuasion and means of influence. He made convincing help infuencing. He diffentiated between kinds of proofs, the made proofs and the non made proofs. The other ones were the base of the rhetoric structure for Aristotle. The argumentative linguistic text is different from other texts that it builds an interactive structure based on some means that aim to persuade and affect the recipient.
The research attempts to approach a linguistic criteria that it's concepts still in growing phase. It deals with uncovering the manifestations of the address "recipient" image, the transformations and the theoretical approach strategy at linguistic text.
The renewal is the nature of life, and a norm of alaah in his creatures, which is a general phenomenon in every time and place, including all aspects of existence through which the process of continuous adaptation with the developments imposed by the nature of the age.
The renewal is the nature of life, and a norm of alaah in his creatures, which is a general phenomenon in every time and place, including all aspects of existence through which the process of continuous adaptation with the developments imposed by the nature of the age.
The research attempts to compromise a linguistic case to be understand able it’s the theory in phase the formation, and it is the detection hangs in about the image which appeared in its personality of the oratorical self, the transformations which occurred on it, and their application mechanism to a linguistic text which is the speech of AL- HASAN Ibn ALI Ibn ABI TALEB In Sabatt. Moreover, The research attempts to set up a compromise that clarifies both sides of saying: theoretical and practical, so the research to importance indicated the rhetoric in describing its industry, and seeks to attracting the addresses "receivers" and the impacting and persuading them, and explain the components of the communication process, and illustrated the manifestations of the ethos, started with the advanced ethos that pertains to the person speaking, and through the oratorical ethos, it is the image that the speech producer tried to construct in the text, to reach the image of the self was formed after the end of the discourse, which proposed usher naming the post-rhetorical ethos, and how the recipient rebelled against the preacher when the third verb of the speech act was achieved. The analytical descriptive and method might sound the perfect way via which one can get to the speech of AL- HASAN Ibn ALI, analysis of procedural processes in the study of linguistic phenomena after determining their scope time and environment, and detecting shifts in the image of the discourse product "ethos" .
This research deals with the phenomenon of combining rhetoric and poetry at a number of the Gahleon, and the statement of the effect of this combining in their poetry, explaining through the issue of conflict of prestige betweenthe orator and the poe t in pre-Islamic era, and how this conflict has been compromised between who combined the technocracy, as the research shows the reason oflack of those who gathered between technocracy. The effect of combining in poetry is dealt with research on two levels: the stylistic level, and shows all forms of repetition: repeating letters, words and methods. While appears in the substantive level (moral): the pursuit of incomprehensible, the concentration on thinking and subjects, and the large number of wisdom and wills.
Any one, who looks up the term circumlocution in linguistic and rhetorical dictionaries, will always find that the meanings of this term are as follows: slyness, deception , lying or fallacy If we closely examine the quotations and poems relating t o deception, we will reject that this term relate to the clarity, cohesiveness and unpretentious with which Arabs are acquainted. This research aims to study circumlocution in order to find out its flaws and to refute the opinions of rhetoricians through reading quotations deliberately .The number of quotations can be easily counted. Most of those quotations do not coincide with the definition of circumlocution while some are fabricated. Therefore, this research stresses the importance to exclude the term circumlocution from the Arabic rhetorical types which manifest in the wonderful aspects of the Holy Quran. The quotations of circumlocution will be considered as examples of spontaneous intuition or sort of improvisation. This research explains that the Arab rhetoric and fluency, the beauty of their styles and the logical thinking contradict with the meaning of the term circumlocution.

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