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The aim of this study is to collect more information about Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) in Syria due to it being one of the most common causes of preventable mental retardation if detected at early stage and treatment is preventable, and to the absence of any published statistics regarding it in our country, and to emphasize on the necessity of applying a mandatory newborn screening program for early diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism to improvement of child’s life, by investigating the adequacy of the clinical determination the physician's experience to get an early diagnosis.
The science and art of producing maps had been subjected to the changes as a result of new recent techniques developments at space photogrammetry, that lead to appearance of programs and applications in the computer's world. This associated with th e advent of information age and Geographic information system that changed the traditional topographic map from just a map to an analyzing and viewing tool. All Syrian Topographic maps are old, out dated, and largely exist in paper form. Due to the high cost of aerial photography, These maps have not been updated for many years and such are not useful for planning. Therefore, there is an urgent need to produce new maps using high resolution satellite images. The research put a method for updating topographic maps of Al-Bahlolia district which have scales (1/50000) and (1/200000), By using Cartosat1 images. After updating, The results were that there is increasing in the area of planted land. In addition to building developments, increasing of length and density of roads between and inside villages. Contour lines also have been generated automatically, so efforts and time were be saved.
This research aimed for using Geographic Information System (GIS) in producing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Dimas District, By applying various methods: Spatial Analyst, Geo Statistical Analyst, Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), and interp olating DEM from contour lines. The study showed that the best methods for interpolating DEM is Kriging method, Which interpolated an evaluated surface for scattered points which had (Z values) whether they were closed or scattered from each other. And (TIN) method which required less area on hard disc to be stored comparing with other methods, and it's perfect for representing surfaces in wide areas, Also generating DEM from contour lines produced DEM which had very accurate representing for surfaces.
These research had shown a relationship between preparation and good academic population of teacher, and amelioration scientific level of schoolboy, because the teachers who had an academic population they have the capability which help theme to af ford the lessons by activity and alacrity. So the teacher who has a good academic population, he will be revealed by education methods , and he know how to behave with schoolboys , and he also revealed by scientific material , and he can use the technology and the appliance of development, and the agents of education very well ,and suitable way, because when the teacher use too much agents of education in the lesson these maybe disperse the schoolboy attention, and it will be make his consideration on these agents only , but using the agents of education by suitable way it will be help the schoolboy to understand better, additionally the importance of advancement which the teacher give to schoolboy . these phraseology will encourage schoolboy to elevation there scientific level. And it was shown also there are a strong relationship between the way of cooperation and the scientific level of schoolboys, where the cooperation which depend on deference reverse a good relationship between teachers and schoolboys, and also between schoolboys themselves. Also it was noted there are a big difference between using the technology ,and the developments agents , and the computers by existence the teacher , and by using it without hem, where the teacher existence ,will be rise the schoolboys abandonment to learn.
The research aims to complete the theoretical, analytical and practical study for elevation networks in some medium and small dams in the coastal region of the Syrian Arab Republic, In terms of the configuration of network, strength of network and measured elements, And instruments that must be used to obtain the required accuracy, and efficient of the mathematical model used, The design and implementation of monitoring and control points in the used network and propose appropriate solutions. During the research was done on two independent programs , The first relates to simulated measurements in the elevation network specific elements, The second for adding program to software is the famous engineering drawing (land development) to enable the user for adjusting elevation networks without going out of the graphical program. The research concluded that specific proposals on elevation geodetic networks studied, and to show the efficiency of all programs designed within Land development software and modeling the elevation measurements.
Presence of maxillary septa has been known to be a complicating factor for sinus elevation procedure. This study was aimed at detecting the prevalence, location and height of antral septa in syrianpopulation and to determine whether there is a relat ionship between the presence of septa and the absence of upper molars . A total of 174 sinuses in 87 patients (59 male and 28 female) aged 27 - 51 years were evaluated through a computed tomography scan analysis . No correlation was observed between the presence of septa and the absence of upper molars.
International river basins are characterized by their wide extent where mapping earth surface features and drawing contours by topographic team become–somehow- impossible because the cost and efforts consumed to execute it become very high and may exceed reasonable limits. Here it becomes necessary to use digital elevation models (DEM) inferred by specialized scientific organizations using remote sensing. There are several DEMs available on the internet and downloadable for free. The primary factor in defining the models efficiency in building hydrological models not the least cost but the maximum reliable results and better resolution that adequate to the capabilities of the PCs. In this study, three DEMs were used to derive and build hydrological models for the Euphrates-Tigris basin using Geographic information system techniques. The resulted boundaries of Euphrates-Tigris basin were compared with three boundaries implemented by international research organizations (UNEP, ESCWA, and FAO). As a conclusion of this comparison, the SRTM—3arc DEM was the most efficient model among used models. In addition, this study indicated the necessity to reevaluate Basin’s boundaries and correct the spatial distribution of proportion for basin area between the riparian countries.
This paper presents the methods of designing a model to determine the appropriate points to build fire towers extended on an area of Syrian Arab Republic, in order to monitor and early warning the forest fire. This helps the authorities' process of extinguishing the fire as it arises and thereby protect our forest from fire that destroys thousands of hectares every year. The model has been designed using the tools of Spatial Analysis available in ArcGIS program. These tools have been applied to evaluate the performance of the fire towers in the studied area, and to suggest new sites for fire towers in this region in order to increase the vision of the area. We calculate the area of visible areas covered by the suggested fire towers. We finally customize the parameters of the model to be applied for different areas using different input data, so the users of the model simply can enter the parameters of their own area and apply the model.
The effect of elevation and slope exposure on forest vegetation composition in southwestern end of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains was assessed. Species and community parameters; relative density, coverage, frequency, importance value of encountered wo ody vegetation, richness and similarity indices; were quantified using thirty two line transects covering two altitudinal zones and the four major slope aspects. Furthermore, species density was measured using distance methods.

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