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During the Abbasid era , the second half of 5th century AH – 11th century A D , the levant ,which turned to a chessboard governed by conflicting states, suffered from crawling of Seljuk empire. This situations accompanied by the death of Fatimid ca lipha ( Al-mustansir) (487 AH-1094 AD). And as a sequence, the Ismaili cult splitted to Mustaali and Nizari. Nizariyya , which centered in Alamut castle, north of Persia, since 448 AH/ 1095 AD, worked to establish a state in the levant. At 535 AH/1141 AD , they bring to life a series of castlesm, named ( qelaa Alfdaoyah) , which continued alive over 130 years , depending on creating a balance between conflicting parties of Zangid Ayyubids with the Franks .When the unification of the levant and Egypt was done, under control of Mamluk , foundations of Alfdaoyah were undermined as a result. But despite its disappearance from political theatre , their castles and remains are still a witness to their excellence.
The search treatsAportrait of the al-Gazera al-Foratuh and Bilad al-Sham in the fifth ALhagrah century/ The eleventh century AD, as Nasirkhusraw introduced it in his journey (book of travels) "Safar- nama". He explains his travelling line that tour between that Countries and he was revealing the position of life through his passing in those cities and Countries. He introduced important, various and documentary information in different sides. There was record for some historical news, he appeared the political situation there and for some civilized works for the being rulers in some areas. He showed much of the civilized sides, which gave light to the many numbers of the populated positions as the positions of the cities, their doors, towards, markets and their different, military, civilized, religion building and the carvings of that building and their mosaic. As they explain the sources of waters in each area whereas of rivers or of springs or the wells or of rain waters and the others. As the framings of trees and plants, occupations and hobbies, and the important commercial centers, coins and the libras, and some materials for trading in them. As they contain some social information, and some population in some cities and the religion in those areas, avisit to the holy places, some being habits and beliefs there and another thing.
After the Arabs succeeded in extending their influence under the Islamic Arab state, as manifested by the Rightly Guided Caliphs, the Umayyads and the Abbasids, the authority began to leave their hands in the second Abbasid era, following the arrival of weak caliphs to power.
This research deals with the issue of consuls in the Levant in the last decades of the Ottoman Empire, by trying to understand the meaning of the work of the consuls, and the atmosphere that accompanied the entry into Damascus, and methods of appoi ntment, and then the differences among them the hope of obtaining the largest share of the bounties of the Sultanate. The research indicates agents’ consuls and their escorts from the people of the Sultanate, and trying to understand the relationship between the consuls, governors and overlap, and their role in public life and exceeded their powers, and most of all looking for the role of consuls in the conduct of trade movement and control in the Levant from ports to markets.
تتجلى أهمية هذه الدراسة في كونها أول بحث أكاديمي يعنى برصد نقد الرواية النسائية في بلاد الشام منذ إرهاصاته الأولى
The theoretical developments in archaeology have influenced the nature of cultural inferences that can be achieved by studying material culture. Since the fifties of last century the aims of archaeology were beyond identifying the cultural-histori cal context of material culture. Instead the focus was inferring cultural aspects from artifacts and testing assumptions on material culture. To reach such a research end, the relationships between human behavior and material culture should be more identified. Moreover, the evaluation of archaeological assumptions based on material foundation ought to be measured in a context where both human behavior and material culture can be directly observed. Ethnoarchaeological studies, therefore, have been developed to clearly identify human-material relationships and to testify the archaeological assumption where behaviors can be directly observed and to identify the factors that can affect these behaviors and their material correlates. Despite the fact that ethnoarchaeology has been intensively practiced in most parts of the world, less studies have been carried out in the Levant. Hence, this paper aims at presenting the nature and conceptualization of ethnoarchaeology, the main topics that have been studied in this part of the world and how to use such studies for archaeological reasoning. Moreover, it aims to suggest further research aspects that can be studied and how to use such studies with archaeological and historical sources to conceptualize the past in the Levant from inside.
لا تزال تحتفظ من نوادر مخطوطات المكتبة العربية التي لم يتم تحقيقها أو التعريف بها، رسالة بعنوان "جغرافية بلاد الشام" لرفاعة رافع الطهطاوي، صنفها المستشرق الألماني كارل بروكلمان ( 1956 ) في مواضيع الجغرافية، و تأخذ رسالة الطهطاوي قيمتها التاريخية ف ي أنها غير مطبوعة و غير محققة، و قيمتها العلمية بوصفها إسهامًا في علم الجغرافية و في علم التاريخ، و تزداد أهميتها من خلال المنهجية المتبعة في إنجازها، و من نوعية المعلومات المدرجة فيها.
This research deals with the importance of trade in the Levant, through the site, which produced the important commercial cities prominent, and displays the influence of Bedouin negatively and positively in the movement of trade and the danger to the movement of goods and the reputation of the state. And the impact of the road sector and the damage toll they trade, taking advantage of the geographical nature of the Levant.

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