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إيالة دمشق دراسة توثيقية نقدية في مخطوط رسالة جغرافية بلاد الشام للعالم الأديب رفاعة الطهطاوي

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 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
الوز، هزوان، حكايا طائر السمرمر، من منشورات اتحاد الكتاب العرب، دمشق، . سورية، 1997
المسلم، إبراهيم، إطلالة على علوم الأوائل، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، القاهرة، . مصر، 2006
المسعودي، أبو الحسن علي- عناية: البقاعي يوسف، مروج الذهب ومعادن . الجوهر، دار إحياء التراث العربي، بيروت، لبنان، 2002
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تتجلى أهمية هذه الدراسة في كونها أول بحث أكاديمي يعنى برصد نقد الرواية النسائية في بلاد الشام منذ إرهاصاته الأولى
Murals are one of the techniques of delineation, which was influenced by Hantine and Sassanian in fluencies. They been their independence in the Umayyad period to maturity in the Abbasid era. The Levant was one of the centers of creativity for the se drawings implemented in a mosaic and frisco. The drawing are important documents in history,arecord of daily life and evidence of know the properties of the wall paintings, it is necessary to study the drawings which were implemented in the mosaic and in Frisco. There fore, the focus was on important bulding that included the drawing in mosaic such as the Dome the Rock and theUmayyad mosquen and the khirbat al-mfjar palace. And the drawing in frisco such as Omra palase and palase of western Hier.
During the Abbasid era , the second half of 5th century AH – 11th century A D , the levant ,which turned to a chessboard governed by conflicting states, suffered from crawling of Seljuk empire. This situations accompanied by the death of Fatimid ca lipha ( Al-mustansir) (487 AH-1094 AD). And as a sequence, the Ismaili cult splitted to Mustaali and Nizari. Nizariyya , which centered in Alamut castle, north of Persia, since 448 AH/ 1095 AD, worked to establish a state in the levant. At 535 AH/1141 AD , they bring to life a series of castlesm, named ( qelaa Alfdaoyah) , which continued alive over 130 years , depending on creating a balance between conflicting parties of Zangid Ayyubids with the Franks .When the unification of the levant and Egypt was done, under control of Mamluk , foundations of Alfdaoyah were undermined as a result. But despite its disappearance from political theatre , their castles and remains are still a witness to their excellence.
This research deals with the importance of trade in the Levant, through the site, which produced the important commercial cities prominent, and displays the influence of Bedouin negatively and positively in the movement of trade and the danger to the movement of goods and the reputation of the state. And the impact of the road sector and the damage toll they trade, taking advantage of the geographical nature of the Levant.
The research centers around the conflict between the Ayyubid and Romanians Seljuks in the Levant. the causes behind these conflicts were mainly personal reasons and ambitions of expansion began in the reign of Alsultanyen Saladin and Kilij Arslan I I Seljuk, when Arslan wanted to expand to south and included both Kisom and Raban forts. so the relationship between the two parties tensed and continued like that to the end of the two Sultans' eras. the relationship between the two countries wasn't even better after their death,too. tensions continued in the era of Aladel Ayoubi and Ghayath KaiKhosrow Seljuk and this conflict attracted several alliances which did not produce any result but deepening the disagreements and exhausting these alliances forces. Then the modern research talked about Seljuk Sultan Rukn al-Din KayKāvus's desire to seize Aleppo, his excuse was that the city had been under control of his ancestors. In this context, he made a contact with ALafdal Ayyubid and added him to his army because he knew the benefit he would obtain by one of the Ayyubid princes being on his side, but the Ayyubid were able to stand up to him and force him to withdraw. the relationship between the two parties continued to be tense till the Seljuk Sultan Rukn al- Din died, then Alaa Aldeen Keykubad took over his place and set his eyes on Armenia Minor to dominate it so he concluded a peace with the Ayyubid and married the king Aladel Ayoub's daughter to make the relationship between them stronger.
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