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The incidence and disability rate of stroke is increasing with a reported 75 % of stroke survivors having some cognitive dysfunction and there deficits can seriously affect the patients quality of life . Objective : to observe the effect of visual stimulating on cognitive function in stroke patients. Setting : the study was carried out in internal department neurology . Subjects: The sample comprised 30 stroke patients with cognitive dysfunction were divided in to two groups (n=15 in each group ) .The control group received the hospital therapies . The experimental group received visual stimulating program and this program was administered for 30 mints once a day four times a week for four weeks . all patients were screened with (Moca) both before and after the 4 weeks of intervention . Results :the experimental group increased their score for attention , concentration and memory . the patients in the control group decreased their scores in cognitive function. Conclusion : Visual stimulating program could improve cognitive function of patients with stroke. Recommendations: Hospitals should schedule visual stimulation in their rehabilitation programs for patients with stroke.
This research tackled the attitude of interpretation towards the issue of metaphor, especially the French philosopher's view Paul Ricuor. It also dealt with the nature of metaphor as suggested by him via critiquing the attitude in which he finds a mere aesthetic and substitutive ornament from the one hand, while taking it as innovative means to touch reality on the other hand. Consequently, it is a cognitive value with the aim of contacting the outside world and getting to know it then the research proceeded to discuss the intellectual basics of metaphor according to Ricuor. He noticed that there is no way to understand the nature of metaphor without understanding its basics. This has made it possible to handle the knowledgeable and innovative function of metaphor be it the present side always in language; that which never fades. So, it was not possible to handle metaphor inside language without wondering how thinking works. Here Ricuor differentiates between living and consumed metaphor on the basis of the ability of innovation and knowledge provided by each one of them. Additionally, he has stated that metaphor is there inside interpretation as it is through it. Such a presence of metaphor inside the field of interpretation is the reason why one can tackle this polysemy. This polysemy results in this on the one hand and in its openness on the world of human act; work and practice on the other hand. This way, metaphor in interpretation is presented as a future language. The research has ended up with a bunch of results through questioning the concept of metaphor in a philosophic interpretative way.
Poetry is concerned with the means and techniques that characterize poetic speech from ordinary speech. It expresses poetry in an intensive manner and with several techniques that perform an aesthetic function in the way of building technology on t he one hand and its consistency with the entire text on the other hand, as well as adding to the meaning of exaggeration and influence. The first part dealt with the concept of poeticism, the second dealt with the characteristics of poetic language, and the second part dealt with the language of poeticism. Section III talks about the changes of the concept and its causes.
The research attempts to approach a linguistic criteria that it's concepts still in growing phase. It deals with uncovering the manifestations of the address "recipient" image, the transformations and the theoretical approach strategy at linguistic text.
يعرف الموظف العام بأنه كل من يعمل في خدمة مرفق عام يديره أحد الأشخاص الاعتبارية العامة, و بشكل دائم, و لا يدخل إلى الوظيفة العامة إلا من تتوافر فيه الشروط التي حددها القانون , مثل الجنسية و سلامة الصحيفة العدلية و المؤهل العلمي, و السن, الخ...
In the Public Administrations, the Employees are subjected to the Administrative Hierarchy from which emanates the Boss Authority which represents the relation between the Superior and the Minion. This authority is called the Obedience Duty. It was looked at from the point of view of the minion.
اعتنى اللغويون و النحويون و البلاغيون بالعملية التواصلية منذ القدم, فقد صبوا جل اهتمامهم على القوانين المتصرفة في التركيب, و تحاول هذه الدراسة تبيان التكامل بين الدرسين النحوي و البلاغي و احتياج بقية العلوم إليهما, و الإفصاح عن المعالم الوظيفية عند النحاة و البلاغيين.
Background: Diabetes mellitus type2 (T2DM) and thyroid dysfunction (TD) are the two most common endocrine disorders in clinical practice. The unrecognized TD may adversely affect the metabolic control and add more risk to an already predisposing s cenario for cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of TD in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: To determine the prevalence and patterns of thyroid dysfunction in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: Study included total 362 subjects (204 type2 diabetic patients and 158 healthy non diabetic subjects). Agroup of type2 diabetic patients and control group were evaluated for thyroid dysfunction by testing TSH and FT4 when TSH was abnormal. The correlation of prevalence of thyroid disorder with gender distribution, age distribution, duration of diabetes, BMI, treatment, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), serum triglyceride and serum cholesterol was then done in diabetic patients. The observations and interpretations were recorded and results obtained were statistically analyzed. Results: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among type2 diabetic patients was found to be 13,2%. In the control group, the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 6,3%. There was a significant difference between diabetics and control subjects p= 0,031.The most frequently TD in type2 diabetic patients was subclinical hypothyroidism (8,3%). Thyroid dysfunction was significantly correlated with gender (women > man), age < 60 years, FPG > 130mg/dl, TG > 150mg/dl and insulin treatment in type2 diabetic patients. Conclusion: Screening of thyroid dysfunction shoud be done in all Type2 diabetic patients.
To assess and find out the impact of schizophrenia on sexuality of the patient using /DSM- IV – TR/ andasexscale questionnaires for/ 75/ male , were studied in clinic . the study extended for /24 /month one year/ 2012/. so were used statistical analy sis ./ P≤O.5/ used as cut off significance. Eighty two percent of schizophrenic male in this study got sexual dysfunction , ther ages (16 – 60) with mean/ 47/ year , there was significant association between age and sexual function- although between degree of education- and sexual function Were percent /58,73%/, result , showed that significant association between getting better education al level and better sexual function results showed that patients have employed patients got worse effect on sexual function so more duration of treatme caused worse effect on sexuality .when patients classified by type of sexual disorder :disere/ 20% /, arousal/ 53.33%/, orgasm /9.33%/ Sexual dysfunction in schizophrenics is common in mal in Syria our communiny and evaluating be routinely in quired from patients with schizophrenia receving antipsychotics medication.
مشروع بحثي يشرح فيه عملية البحث عن عمل ووظيفة والطر والأساليب والوسائل التي تساعدك في البحث مع بعض النصائح والتوصيات للعمل فيها او تجنبها اثناء بحث الخريج الجامعي عن فرصة عمل او وظيفة

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا