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Poetry is concerned with the means and techniques that characterize poetic speech from ordinary speech. It expresses poetry in an intensive manner and with several techniques that perform an aesthetic function in the way of building technology on t he one hand and its consistency with the entire text on the other hand, as well as adding to the meaning of exaggeration and influence. The first part dealt with the concept of poeticism, the second dealt with the characteristics of poetic language, and the second part dealt with the language of poeticism. Section III talks about the changes of the concept and its causes.
This research seeks to explore the role of deviation in the poetics of operative language on the one hand, its revelation of the artistry of thrill and surprise in terms of rhetorical images on the other hand, through analysing the poetic text which starts from actual language towards the spaces of rhetorical images, and combines the internal and the external as the text suggests.
هذا البحث دراسة مقارنة حول شعر بناء الأمة و تأثير الشاعر الأمريكي والت ويتمان في الشاعر الأمريكي اللبناني الأصل جبران خليل جبران. ذلك أن جبران حين اطلع على شعر ويتمان في بناء الأمة الأمريكية اتخذه مصدر إلهام لإصلاح الشعر العربي و الأمة العربية؛ إذ قلده في أسلوبه الإيحائي و في تركيزه على معاني الإصلاح الاجتماعي و السياسي.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا