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Sexuel Dysfunction Among Schizophrenic Patients In Syria

اضطرابات الوظيفة الجنسية عند الذكور الفصاميين في سورية

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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To assess and find out the impact of schizophrenia on sexuality of the patient using /DSM- IV – TR/ andasexscale questionnaires for/ 75/ male , were studied in clinic . the study extended for /24 /month one year/ 2012/. so were used statistical analysis ./ P≤O.5/ used as cut off significance. Eighty two percent of schizophrenic male in this study got sexual dysfunction , ther ages (16 – 60) with mean/ 47/ year , there was significant association between age and sexual function- although between degree of education- and sexual function Were percent /58,73%/, result , showed that significant association between getting better education al level and better sexual function results showed that patients have employed patients got worse effect on sexual function so more duration of treatme caused worse effect on sexuality .when patients classified by type of sexual disorder :disere/ 20% /, arousal/ 53.33%/, orgasm /9.33%/ Sexual dysfunction in schizophrenics is common in mal in Syria our communiny and evaluating be routinely in quired from patients with schizophrenia receving antipsychotics medication.

References used
Pinderhughesca, barra bee , grace e, reynal J, psychiatric disorders and sexual functioning , am, j, psychiatry /1972 , 128 ; 1276 – 1283
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Martin baggaley .sexual dysfunction in schizophrenia: focus on recent evideuce hum . psychopharmacolclinexp /2008
rate research

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Background: Diabetes mellitus type2 (T2DM) and thyroid dysfunction (TD) are the two most common endocrine disorders in clinical practice. The unrecognized TD may adversely affect the metabolic control and add more risk to an already predisposing s cenario for cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of TD in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: To determine the prevalence and patterns of thyroid dysfunction in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: Study included total 362 subjects (204 type2 diabetic patients and 158 healthy non diabetic subjects). Agroup of type2 diabetic patients and control group were evaluated for thyroid dysfunction by testing TSH and FT4 when TSH was abnormal. The correlation of prevalence of thyroid disorder with gender distribution, age distribution, duration of diabetes, BMI, treatment, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), serum triglyceride and serum cholesterol was then done in diabetic patients. The observations and interpretations were recorded and results obtained were statistically analyzed. Results: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among type2 diabetic patients was found to be 13,2%. In the control group, the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 6,3%. There was a significant difference between diabetics and control subjects p= 0,031.The most frequently TD in type2 diabetic patients was subclinical hypothyroidism (8,3%). Thyroid dysfunction was significantly correlated with gender (women > man), age < 60 years, FPG > 130mg/dl, TG > 150mg/dl and insulin treatment in type2 diabetic patients. Conclusion: Screening of thyroid dysfunction shoud be done in all Type2 diabetic patients.
Upper abdominal surgery patients are considered more vulnerable to changes in pulmonary function and therefore to acute decrease in respiratory function. physical treatment techniques play an important role, especially deep breathing exercises and th e use of incentive spirometry device as well as walking, which have an important role in improving pulmonary function. here lies the nursing role in the training of patients to use those technologies and encouraging them toapplyearlypostoperatively. The aims of the study is toassess the effect of implementing nursing policy (deep breathing exercises , the use of incentive spirometer and walking) on respiratory function among upper abdominal surgery patients.The sample comprised 45 patients chosen randomly from thetwogenders who were prepared to upper abdominal surgery in Al-Assad University Hospital,Each patient implemented nursing policy and assessed pulmonary functionby using a spirometer device and measured the degree of arterial blood oxygen saturation by Oxygenation –pulse measurement. We can notice from the results of this study that the implement of nursing policy contributed to the preservation of respiratory function in patients with the two experimental groups , particularly in the experimental group 2, which have the lower decrease in the pulmonary functions values and the degree of arterial blood oxygen saturation .
The incidence and disability rate of stroke is increasing with a reported 75 % of stroke survivors having some cognitive dysfunction and there deficits can seriously affect the patients quality of life . Objective : to observe the effect of visual stimulating on cognitive function in stroke patients. Setting : the study was carried out in internal department neurology . Subjects: The sample comprised 30 stroke patients with cognitive dysfunction were divided in to two groups (n=15 in each group ) .The control group received the hospital therapies . The experimental group received visual stimulating program and this program was administered for 30 mints once a day four times a week for four weeks . all patients were screened with (Moca) both before and after the 4 weeks of intervention . Results :the experimental group increased their score for attention , concentration and memory . the patients in the control group decreased their scores in cognitive function. Conclusion : Visual stimulating program could improve cognitive function of patients with stroke. Recommendations: Hospitals should schedule visual stimulation in their rehabilitation programs for patients with stroke.
The role of the inflammatory process in atherosclerosis and its development has been confirmed, as many inflammatory factors intervene in the vasculitis process, which leads to damage to the endothelium, which is the early event in the process of atherosclerosis.
The research aims to study the reality of areal work in Syria by the public and private sectors, starting with the study phase through the implementation phase and ending with investment. In this research, statistical and analytical studies of a s ample of local projects have been conducted by using (SPSS) software where the samples were divided into four case studies showing areal work and where any deviation from the desired objectives could happen. this research suggests, within its primary objective model, a filing system for areal work for buildings that could be used as a reference for all topographical office work in the public and private sector.
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