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The study aimed at determining the training needs of kindergarten mothers in achieving social and Sentimental goals during crises. The descriptive approach was adopted through the use of identifying the training needs of kindergarten mothers as a tool for study. The study sample included (120) mothers of kindergarten children in the city Homs, were randomly selected cluster.
The research aims to identify the degree of the availability of sentimental goals in the developed curriculum for kindergarten in Syria. To achieve the aim, the descriptive approach and a list of sentimental goals by the researcher Ruba Aldrgla we re adopted. Therefore, an analytical content form prepared by the researcher was used to verify the veracity and persistence of the analysis, which both are achieved. The list includes 86 sentimental sub-goals classified into 12 major goals.
Self takes a conscientious form when it embodies its life values in its world, so its feelings and sensations crystallize. When conscientious self is creative by itself, it reflects these emotions in the art it creates, and then this art (poetry) can be named as conscientious. Arabic poetry lasted in Al-Andalus for eight centuries; therefore, it is the product of its milieu. Many factors collaborated to determine its tends and characteristics, that is why poetic conscientious self in Al-Andalus singled for itself a specific literary taste which was a response to Al-Andalus reality and its particular nature. Eventually poetic conscientious self offered Al-Andalus singular creative aspects.
The current research aims to find out the impact of the employment of narrative activity in achieving the objectives of the emotional education kindergarten child. Researcher used experimental method to test the research hypotheses, where the app lication of research in the academic year (2015/2016) and formed the research sample of 40 children from kindergarten child, distributors into two groups: experimental and control, have been randomly selected, where It has been applied to the experiment by the researcher on the two groups.
This research is bound to measure instructional outputs of Algorithms and Data Structures for second year students of Computer Engineering Department in Faculty of Electricity and Electronics in Aleppo University. It uses scale of cognitive outputs and scale of affective outputs, in addition to two assistant tools, which are: content analysis and interview. The research reached the following result: No one of instructional outputs of Algorithms and Data Structures curriculum has achieved, thus many suggestions have been offered to avoid the shortage in the curriculum. Some of these suggestions are: increasing number of applied and analytic exercises. Improvement quality of applied and analytic exercises. Applying some interaction teaching methods as Brain Storming, Inquiry...etc. Reviewing prerequisite curriculum, as programming languages.
This study aims to know how far and severe the children's behavioural and emotional disorders in Orphanages have gone according to changes resulting from gender, age, year of residence, death of a parent or both of them from the viewpoint of their own superintendents. The sample includes 270 children, 178 males and 92 females from Damascus, Homs and Aleppo. The tool used in this study is a scale of 54 phrases divided into six items all dealing with children's behavioural and emotional disorder.

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