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In this work, we study the task of classifying legal texts written in the Greek language. We introduce and make publicly available a novel dataset based on Greek legislation, consisting of more than 47 thousand official, categorized Greek legislation resources. We experiment with this dataset and evaluate a battery of advanced methods and classifiers, ranging from traditional machine learning and RNN-based methods to state-of-the-art Transformer-based methods. We show that recurrent architectures with domain-specific word embeddings offer improved overall performance while being competitive even to transformer-based models. Finally, we show that cutting-edge multilingual and monolingual transformer-based models brawl on the top of the classifiers' ranking, making us question the necessity of training monolingual transfer learning models as a rule of thumb. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the task of Greek legal text classification is considered in an open research project, while also Greek is a language with very limited NLP resources in general.
Extracting the most important part of legislation documents has great business value because the texts are usually very long and hard to understand. The aim of this article is to evaluate different algorithms for text summarization on EU legislation documents. The content contains domain-specific words. We collected a text summarization dataset of EU legal documents consisting of 1563 documents, in which the mean length of summaries is 424 words. Experiments were conducted with different algorithms using the new dataset. A simple extractive algorithm was selected as a baseline. Advanced extractive algorithms, which use encoders show better results than baseline. The best result measured by ROUGE scores was achieved by a fine-tuned abstractive T5 model, which was adapted to work with long texts.
منذ مطلع القرن العشرين بدأ المشرع الدولي يهتم بعقد اتفاقيات دولية لمعالجة مشكلة المخدرات على الصعيد الدولي بعدما أضحت هذه المشكلة مشكلة دولية.
This research deals with the study of the concept of electoral crime, the types of electoral crimes and the penalties to be imposed on each of them in the Syrian General Elections Law No. 5 of 2014.
The concentration of the research in this research was the subject of grievance from the light disciplinary penalties for defining its essence, procedures and effects.
The Principle of Comprehensiveness of public budget of state and the Principle of Popularity of it, are considered the most important on which the public budget is based these days. And each principle has terms, justifications, exceptions and scop e of applications. This study sheds light on the concept of the principle of comprehensives and the principle of popularity (Non – allotment of revenues) and the terms of it by showing its definitions, justifications, exceptions and scope of applications in the Syrian legislation. This study aims to answer on this question: is it preferred to keep on the principle of comprehensiveness of public budget or it is necessary to return to the rule of "net product" as was the case in the past? This study consists of introduction and two chapters, besides conclusion to present the most important results and suggestions.
This research deals with structure of power and its concept in Farabi's political philosophy, by analyzing his basic thesis of Utopia, and analyzing the relation between governor and the parish, and explaining the political connections that control this city, like the stratification and ideological structure down to the relationship between the prophecy and philosophy, all this through systematic reading deals with the power of speech and its relationships, and the semantic context through which these ideas emerged, and the nature of cultural relationships that control thought and cultural production in that era. By understanding Farabi's political ideas and their situation of speech context emerged the category of (good authority) as a reflection of the structure of that era, and an alternative to the category of existing power at that time which was based on tradition and the sanctity of hereditary rule. Here Farabi's summon the pronouncements of the Greek speech and reconstructing and integrating them in the context of the Islamic intellectual on the one hand becomes a necessity which is required to the building of the political alternative of religious feudal authority, and on the other hand its unique feature and characteristic distinguish the Farabian philosophy through his building a philosophical pattern which combines rationality and inspiration.
This research aims to explain accounting bases to determine Zakat and income tax bowl, according to Syrian Tax System, following the descriptive analytical method. The results showed that there is partial compatibility in accounting bases for det ermining Zakat and income tax seat, and there is difference in accounting bases of definition the amount which acceptable to rebate, according to Syrian tax legislation.
The discount for pre-trial detention of the sentence period is a fair idea because it prevents looting freedom sentenced for a longer period of time set by virtue of a conviction, but this idea becomes more fairer if a person commits more than one offense so he stopped up at the disposal of one of them and acquitted them, while spent his conviction for another crime. This research tried to study this issue through the comparison between the Syrian and Egyptian legislation by analyzing legal texts governing it.
القوة التنفيذية للأحكام الأجنبية في سورية -مقارنة بين التشريع الوطني والمعاهدات الدولية - إن صدور حكم في بلد أجنبي لا يستلزم بالضرورة الاعتراف به في بلد اخر

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا