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This study aimed at identifying the relationship between the human capital and innovation performance in Tishreen University. By Identifying the Impact of each the skill, knowledge, and experience. The researcher relied on the Deductive Approach as a general method. He follows a survey methodology, and he gave a questionnaire to 360 people, they are members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University, He also made a field Study to show this relationship, The main result of the study was that there a positive significant relationship between the human capital and innovation performance. We have provided a summary of the main result that have found out is that the possession of Tishreen University of human capital capable to innovation performance (radical and Incremental). With the presentation of some of the proposals and recommendations to improve the relationship including the need to work on the development of skills and knowledge and gain more of it, in order to enhance innovation performance to the members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University.
This study aimed at identifying Mechanisms of Human Capital Development in Tishreen University, and its role in reconstruction of Syria. In addition, the extent Tishreen University applied these mechanisms and the strategic objectives identified in t he Higher Education Plan. The researcher gave a questionnaire to 335 people, they are members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University, the main result of the study was that the universities follow to these mechanisms will contribute in Reconstruction. We have provided a summary of the main result that have found out is that Tishreen University did not apply mechanisms of Human Capital Development and the strategic objectives as required, and there is no interest in scientific research, absence of research plans and weak budget, and a dire need to contract with scientific data and research engines.
This study aimed to evaluate the possibility to make knowledge map in Tishreen University through showing the administrative and human infrastructure. The researcher depended on the survey method where he distributed the questionnaire on 303 individu als of central administration in Tishreen University. The outcome was lack in the administrative and human infrastructure in the university, as it does not depend on accounting, administrative and human information systems that make easy and quick access to data and information. The researcher presented some of the recommendations including the need to work on a plan to make knowledge map by modernization of databases and to take the administrative and legal measures, which are necessary for electronic development.
Nursery ward is the safe place for premature after deliverey . It contains the basic requirements of life to him. but full of noise caused by alarms of devices, conversations of health team, ringing phones, and close the doors, exceeds what is recom mended by the American Academy of Pediatrics in the Nursery wards 45 dBA (decibel A-weighting). Although it stimulates the autonomic system leading to physiologic instability like disorder in the level of oxygenation. We found in this study conducted on 30 premature with pre and post test, that the level of noise within first hour of non interventions reached 67.2 dBA, level of oxygenation inversely with noise level in it, and reduction of noise level under 45 dBA at second hour increases the oxygenation significantly. so we suggests to make reduce noise interventions within daily practices of nursing procedures, and subsequent research to study effect of noise on the rest of vital premature indicators
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between the mother and her infant immediately post-delivery is an important procedure that must be included in the care given to mother and her infant many health benefits. The mother's desire and reaction towards (SSC) is the decisive factor in the success of this procedure, so the current study aimed to investigate the initial reaction of 200 women towards (SSC) immediately after their vaginal delivery were randomly selected from the obstetric hospital and national children in Lattakia, data were collected using a questionnaire developed for this purpose. The study showed that nearly three-quarters of mothers agreed to have contact with their children in (SSC) and nearly three-quarters of approvals preferred to be covered. The highest rate of response to approvals for contact with their children immediately after birth was the expression of joy in child and then hugging and kissing him. While the highest response of non-approvals for contact with their children immediately Post-Delivery refused to touch the child because they were suffering of pain. The study recommended that every mother in the labor room be investigated for carrying her naked child or swaddled with a blanket immediately after birth, not forcing them to immediately postpartum (SSC), the study recommended to continuing education and training sessions to provide all midwives and nurses working in the labor rooms with information and skills (SSC) for all mothers immediately Post-Delivery, and further research on nurse and midwife information on the importance of prompt (SSC) immediately Post-Delivery.
This study aimed to determine the reality of scientific research in Syria compared to Arab Countries, and some developed countries, by comparing the proportion of expenditure on research and development of local output, the number of researchers and technicians working in research and development, the number of research articles published in international journals, the number of Syrian researchers registered in the Google Scholar search engine, the number of citations to their researches, the number of researches published in Tishreen University, in addition to the number of researches registered and completed for postgraduate students at Tishreen University during the period 2008-2018, the number of Syrian researchers registered in the Researchgate research site, as well as the number of applications for patents for accreditation in the Arab Countries, the value of exports of high technology and the proportion of those exports of transformative exports; and determine the components of scientific research to be available to create added value to the Syrian Universities. The researcher adopted the survey methodology and distributed the questionnaire to 289 members of the teaching staff at Tishreen University. The most important result of the study was that, the participation of the Syrian Universities in attracting talent, participation in local, Arab and international conferences, seminars and workshops, providing research labs, modern computers, participation in search engines, research sites, databases and financing of external publications are effective Foundations for creating added value. Then, some recommendations were presented that would contribute to the creation of added value, the most important of which are: increasing the percentage of expenditure on scientific research, employing researchers, encouraging researchers to publish in international journals, establishing cooperation relations with local, Arab and international research organizations and developing them.
This research aimed at determining the role of intellectual capital in developing the competitive Tishreen University Abilities in both education and scientific research. The researcher relied on the methodological approach as a general approach to r esearch, followed the methodology of the survey, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary and primary data through a questionnaire that was organized by the researcher's knowledge of published literature. He distributed the questionnaire to 331 members of the faculty of Tishreen University, 263 of which were recovered, and 13 were not valid for analysis in the research community comprised of staff in Tishreen University faculty, of the 2376 respondents according to statistics of the Directorate of Statistics and Planning, and then used the appropriate statistical tests, such as simple regression, and rely on a programme SPSS is applying to be a tool for analysis of Data available. The main conclusion was a moral role, an Acceptable correlation between intellectual capital and competitive ability. Some suggestions and recommendations were presented to improve the relationship, which is the most important: the need to work for improvement of the level of education and scientific research in order to achieve the university's competitive ability.
المسؤولية الجنائية للذكاء الاصطناعي تتمثل أهمية هذه الدراسة في أهمية موضوعها الجديد والحيوي، وهو المسؤولية الجنائية الناتجة عن أخطاء الذكاء الاصطناعي في التشريع الإماراتي "دراسة مقارنة"، فعلى امتداد الخمسين سنة الماضية تضافرت الجهود العالمية في عدد من الميادين، كالفلسفة والقانون وعلم النفس وعلم المنطق والرياضيات، وعلم الأحياء وغيرها من العلوم، ومنذ سنوات بدأت هذه الجهود تحصد من ثمارها وظهرت إلى الوجود تطبيقات مذهلة للذكاء الاصطناعي، وهذا ما دفع دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة لاستحداث وزارة للذكاء الاصطناعي وعلوم المستقبل، فهذه الخطوة تُضاف إلى سجل الإمارات الحافل بكل ما هو جديد في الثقافة والعلوم وغيرها من المجالات، فالإمارات سبّاقة في البحث وجلب أي أفكار جديدة أو عالمية وتطبيقها، والهدف من ذلك هو الارتقاء بالعمل الإداري. لأن اعتماد الإدارة على الذكاء الاصطناعي يساعدها على التكيف مع التغيرات المتلاحقة، ويساعدها أيضاً على مواجهة التحديات المتعددة والمختلفة، وبالتالي تحقيق الميزة التنافسية التي تسعى الإدارة إلى تحقيقها.
هدف هذا البحث الى معرفة دور استخدام نماذج صفوف الانتظار في تحسين وقت الخدمة للعيادات الصحيّة في الجمهوريّة العربيّة السوريّة، وطبقت الدراسة في العيادة القلبيّة بمستشفى تشرين بدمشق خلال الفترة الممتدة من 1/7 إلى 30/8 من عام 2019. توصّلت الدراسة إلى ت قديم نموذج بديل لتحسين الوضع الحالي الموجود في العيادة الصحيّة محل الدراسة، حيث ساهم النموذج البديل في تحسين مقاييس الأداء بشكل جوهري كما يؤدي تطبيق هذا النموذج إلى تخفيض عدد المرضى في صف الانتظار الخاص بالعيادة إلى مستوى شبه معدوم.
يحاول هذا البحث رصد أهم تجليات الرؤيا في شعر محمد عمران, منطلقاً من تأصيل مصطلح (الرؤيا), واكتناه العلاقة بينه وبين مصطلح (الرؤية), إذ تقوم الرؤية على المشاهدة المادية والواقعية والحسية للأشياء, أما دور الرؤيا فيكمن في كيفية إبراز هذه المشاهدة وصوغها بالاعتماد على سعة خيال الشاعر وقدرته الفنية من جهة, وما تخلفه هذه المشاهدة من انفعالات داخلية عنده من جهة أخرى. وقد تجلت الرؤيا في شعر محمد عمران في (الحلم الشعري) وعلاقاته المتشعبة مع الواقع واللاشعور والخيال, كما تجلت في (النبوءة الشعرية) بوصفها تجاوزاً زمانياً ومكانياً للواقع المعيش, واستشرافاً قائماً على الحدس, ليخلص البحث إلى خاتمة تبيّن دور الرؤيا في رفد التجربة الشعرية امحمد عمران بمعطيات حداثية على مستوى المضمون.

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