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تأثير التقليم وحمض الجبرلين في كمية ونوعية المحصول في العنب الآشوري (Var Assyrian ) Vitis vinifera L

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
عبد الله حسن (1995) تعبئة وتخزين الفاكهة والخضار , الجزء العملي كلية الزراعة
rate research

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This research was carried out in the laboratories of the Atomic Energy Commission Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Department in Damascus to study the molecular characterization of five of local and introduced grapes varieties which collected f rom the Pome and Grapevine Research Center in Sweida using 20 primer pairs of SSR.
This study was conducted during the seasons 1995 and 1996 at Ninevah Horticulture Station- Iraq. On Halwani and Kamali grape cultivars. This study included four levels of foliar application of Fe-EDTA at concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 ppm ir on, and soil compound fertilization with NPK (30 kg N + 30 kg P2O5 + 30kg K2O/ Donum) on the two abore mentioned cultivars, and the interaction among the three studied factors (cultivars, Fe and NPK), was also evaluated. The results showed that 200ppm of iron caused a significant increase in the percentage of pollen viability, Pollen grains germination, length of Pollen tube, setting of berries, ovules fertilization, leaf chlorophyll content, single leaf area, shoot leaf area, and total leaf area per vine and leaf area per cluster. The same results were obtained by using NPK fertilization. Halwani grape CV. Was significantly superior over on the Kamali grape CV. in pollen viabilits, pollen germination, length of pollen tube, leaf chlorophyll content and the single leaf area, While the Kamali grape CV. gave the highest shoot leaf area, total leaf area per vine and leaf area per cluster. The interaction among iron, NPK and cultivars reveded that the best treatment was 200 ppm iron with NPK, which gave the best results concerning flowering, setting and vegetative growth for both the cultivars.
This research was carried out to study the effect of summer pruning on the growth and production of two grape varieties Vitis vivifera L. Halwani and Baladdi. The study was conducted in Kadmous during 2012 growing season on two varieties of grape tre es reared on wiredraw. Seven treatments were used: 1- control, 2- shoot thinning, 3- shoot thinning and hedging, 4- shoot thinning and axillary shoot removal, 5- shoot thinning and axillary shoot removal, 6- shoot thinning and axillary shoot removal and leaf removal, 7- shoot thinning and leaf removal. Results show that hedging improves weight of cluster and berry due to the increase in fruit set percentage which leads to an increase in grape production. Shoot thinning increases TSS yet other processes have negative effects: the hedging process increases acid titration in the Baladdi cultivar but in the Halwani cultivar hedging and axillary shoot removal increases acid titration.
This research aims to analyze the wholesale prices for both types of table grape Helwani and Baladi in AL-Hal`s Market in Damascus city, being the main center for selling grapes of south area in Syria. It has been done as a sector research for one season 2003, as will as the applied selling techniques in this market were determined. The maximum and minimum prices for both categories were recorded depending on some commission traders, producers, guarantors and exporters, daily and round the season, which the beginning and end for each were determined. Centralization and deviation measurements; in addition to correlation coefficient for prices averages for both the two prices and the two weekly prices range were calculated. The correlation with each other, the correlation of each with time, and the regression functions for previous relations were defined.
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of bio-fertilization and gamma rays treatment on the yield and quality of fennel in the area of Tel- Menen, Governorate of Damascus countryside. The main objective of this study we identification of the best bio-fertilizer Concentration through treatment with three concentrations (5%, 10%,15%) at the rate of 20 ml per plant.

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