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The Effect of Summer Pruning on the Quantity and Quality Production of two Grape Cultivars: Halwani and Balady

دراسة تأثير بعض عمليات التقليم الصيفي (الأخضر) في كمية الإنتاج و نوعيته لصنفي العنب الحلواني و البلدي

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research was carried out to study the effect of summer pruning on the growth and production of two grape varieties Vitis vivifera L. Halwani and Baladdi. The study was conducted in Kadmous during 2012 growing season on two varieties of grape trees reared on wiredraw. Seven treatments were used: 1- control, 2- shoot thinning, 3- shoot thinning and hedging, 4- shoot thinning and axillary shoot removal, 5- shoot thinning and axillary shoot removal, 6- shoot thinning and axillary shoot removal and leaf removal, 7- shoot thinning and leaf removal. Results show that hedging improves weight of cluster and berry due to the increase in fruit set percentage which leads to an increase in grape production. Shoot thinning increases TSS yet other processes have negative effects: the hedging process increases acid titration in the Baladdi cultivar but in the Halwani cultivar hedging and axillary shoot removal increases acid titration.

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير عمليات التقليم الصيفي (الأخضر) على نمو وإنتاج صنفي العنب المحليين حلواني وبلدي من نوع Vitis vinifera L. أجريت الدراسة في مزرعة خاصة في منطقة القنموس خلال عام 2012، وشملت سبع معاملات: شاهد، تغريد، تقريد وقصف، تقريد وتقريع، تفريد وتغريع، تغريد وتغريع وتوريق، تقريد وتوريق. أظهرت النتائج أن عملية القصف تحسن وزن العنقود والثمرة نتيجة لتحسين نسبة العقد، مما ينعكس إيجاباً على إنتاج الشجيرة. كما حسنت عملية التقريد فقط نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية، بينما زادت عمليتا القصف والتقريع من نسبة الحموضة الكلية. بناءً على هذه النتائج، توصي الدراسة بإعادة التجربة على أصناف محلية أخرى وفي مناطق مناخية مختلفة لمعرفة تأثير المناخ على النتائج.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن الدراسة تقدم نتائج مفيدة حول تأثير عمليات التقليم الصيفي على إنتاجية ونوعية العنب، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، الدراسة تعتمد على عينة صغيرة نسبياً من الشجيرات، مما قد يؤثر على دقة النتائج. ثانياً، لم يتم تناول تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل التربة والري بشكل كافٍ. ثالثاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين تحليل اقتصادي لتقدير تكلفة وفائدة كل نوع من أنواع التقليم. وأخيراً، توصي الدراسة بإعادة التجربة في مناطق مناخية مختلفة، وهو اقتراح جيد، ولكن كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تم تنفيذها في عدة مواقع من البداية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي أنواع المعاملات التي تم دراستها في البحث؟

    تم دراسة سبع معاملات: شاهد، تغريد، تقريد وقصف، تقريد وتقريع، تفريد وتغريع، تغريد وتغريع وتوريق، تقريد وتوريق.

  2. ما هو تأثير عملية القصف على إنتاجية العنب؟

    عملية القصف تحسن وزن العنقود والثمرة نتيجة لتحسين نسبة العقد، مما ينعكس إيجاباً على إنتاج الشجيرة.

  3. ما هي العمليات التي حسنت نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية؟

    عملية التقريد فقط هي التي حسنت نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    توصي الدراسة بإعادة التجربة على أصناف محلية أخرى وفي مناطق مناخية مختلفة لمعرفة تأثير المناخ على النتائج.

References used
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CANDOL FI-VASCONCELOS, M. C. and KOBLET, W. Yield, fruit quality, bud fertility and starch reserves of the wood asa function of leaf removal in Vitis viniferaevidence of compensation and stress recovering. Vitis, 29, 1990, 199 – 221
CANDOL FI-VASCONCELOS, M. C. ; KOBLET, W. ; HOWELL, G. S. ; and ZWEIFEL, W. Influence of defoliation, rootstock, training system, and leaf position on gas exchange of pinot noir grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 45, 1994, 173 – 180
rate research

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This study was conducted to examine the effect of storage period and fruit wrapped of two local grapes varieties (Balady and Helwany) using polyethylene bags of 50 μm thickness on some losses of grapes berry . the study estimated the weight loss p ercent, berry shatter, berry spoilage and the total losses for the varieties as a function to storage period and packing of grapes berry. Results showed that there is a high correlation between the storage period and the weight loss, berry shatter, spoilage and the total losses of fruits, where this action started after 3 weeks of the beginning of storage. The average percents of weight loss after 100 days storage were 11.75 % and 8.43% for Balady and Helwany respectively, the berry shatter percents were 6.20% and 5.52% respectively for Balady and Helwany, the spoilage percents were 9.50% and 7.20% for Balady and Helwany respectively and the total losses for tow varieties were 20.1% and 13.63% for Balady and Helwany respectively. The previous values decreased clearly by using bags of polyethylene of 50 μm thickness as follows: 9.47% and % 6.82 for weight losses, 3.10 % and 1.8% for berry shatter, 7.20% and 3.51% for spoilage and the total losses 16% and 10.1% for Balady and Helwany respectively.
The investigation was conducted during 2013-2014 in Al-Moroj - Baniyas - Tartous. The effect of grafting cucumber (Hybrid Amir F1 and Potenza F1) on (TZ 148 F1) rootstock on growth and production was studied. The experiment contained 4 treatments (ungrafted Amir F1 and Potenza F1, and grafted ones on Cucurbita hybrid). The results showed that grafted cucumber (Amir F1) on (TZ 148 F1) was significantly superior to other treatments in leaf area (15368.79 cm2.plant-1) and total production (21.58 kg .m-2). Grafting cucumber (Potenza F1) on (TZ148 F1) leaded to a significant decrease in each of plant height (113.25 cm), number of secondary branches (7.5 branch . plant-1), number of female flowers (94.13 flower . plant-1), number of fruits (38.13 fruit . plant-1) and total production (14.61 kg .m-2). The earliness in grafted cucumber (Amir F1 and Potenza F1) on (TZ 148 F1) (0.19 and 0.28 kg .m-2 respectively) was significantly decreased compared to ungrafted plants (0.43 and 0.54 kg .m-2 respectively). Grafting on (TZ 148 F1) didn't affected the fruit qualitative characteristics.
The research was aimed to study the effect of olive press methods on the oil quantity and quality. The results showed the following: The method of press Olive effect to the quantity of Olive oil so the results of oil quantity from olive fruite p ress in mechanical olive press method more above from half mechanical method and from traditional method ( the witness). The increase of quantity between mechanical and traditional method was 60% and between mechanical half mechanical method was 27% and bween half mechanical and traditional method was 28%. The method of press Olive effect to the of Olive oil quantitatively the results of oil quantitatively from olive fruit press in mechanical olive press machines to surpass half mechanical olive press that is the flavor and color best and Acidity presumption and peroccid number is less .
This study was conducted during the seasons 1995 and 1996 at Ninevah Horticulture Station- Iraq. On Halwani and Kamali grape cultivars. This study included four levels of foliar application of Fe-EDTA at concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 ppm ir on, and soil compound fertilization with NPK (30 kg N + 30 kg P2O5 + 30kg K2O/ Donum) on the two abore mentioned cultivars, and the interaction among the three studied factors (cultivars, Fe and NPK), was also evaluated. The results showed that 200ppm of iron caused a significant increase in the percentage of pollen viability, Pollen grains germination, length of Pollen tube, setting of berries, ovules fertilization, leaf chlorophyll content, single leaf area, shoot leaf area, and total leaf area per vine and leaf area per cluster. The same results were obtained by using NPK fertilization. Halwani grape CV. Was significantly superior over on the Kamali grape CV. in pollen viabilits, pollen germination, length of pollen tube, leaf chlorophyll content and the single leaf area, While the Kamali grape CV. gave the highest shoot leaf area, total leaf area per vine and leaf area per cluster. The interaction among iron, NPK and cultivars reveded that the best treatment was 200 ppm iron with NPK, which gave the best results concerning flowering, setting and vegetative growth for both the cultivars.
In this research, we have studied the effects of some summer pruning at the mid June and Juli, in addition to the common periodical winter pruning during February. Both studies were done to evaluate calcium concentration of fruits, quality and yi eld the apearance of physiological disorders during the storage and fruits. Experiments were conducted on 8 year apple trees of Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious, which are sensiitve to laek of calcium and as a result caused bitter-pit as an important physiological disorder on apple fruits. Summer pruning of apple trees at mid june increases their content of calcium and their colors, also decreases physiological disorder, weight loss during storage, without affecting the annual yield of trees. Accorrding to the attained results, we recommend the farmers of apple trees to follow summer pruning, because of its benefits on improving the condition of trees and achieving the balance between vegetative and generative growth, and reduced the alternate Summer pruning. Also improve the quality of fruits, their storability and their resistance for some physiological disorders during storage.
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