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The impact of Strategic Management on the performance of organizations Case Study: The Ministry of Higher Education in Syria

تأثير التخطيط الإستراتيجي في أداء المنظمات حالة وزارة التعليم العالي نموذجا

2748   10   133   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Business Management
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study focuses on the role of strategic planning in improving the performance of organizations, taking the Ministry of Higher Education in the Syrian Arab Republic as a model to develop the higher education sector and plan future educational policies in Syria.

References used
Thomas L.Wheelen ( Basic conepts of Strategic Managemnt) Strategic Managemnt & Business Policy 12th Edition , Prentice Hall ,2009
الحريري ، رافدة ، التخطيط الاستراتيجي في المنظومة المدرسية (2007).
ماكجرو هيل ، كيف تخطط و تنفذ استراتيجية (2009).
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تهدف دراستنا إلى تحديد مستويات ضغوط العمل التي يواجهها العاملون في اثنتين من مشافي وزارة التعليم العالي في دمشق و هما مشفى الأسد الجامعي و مشفى التوليد الجامعي، و تحليل العلاقة بين مستويات ضغوط العمل المدروسة ومستوى الأداء لدى هؤلاء العاملين، و دراس ة وجود اختلاف في مستويات ضغوط العمل المدروسة بحسب اختلاف المشفى و نوع العمل و سنوات الخبرة، و في النهاية تقديم توصيات و مقترحات قد تسهم في ضبط مصادر هذه الضغوط و معالجة آثارها.
This research aims to identify the leadership styles in general and the established pattern of leadership in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education in particular, and the impact of this pattern on the morale of the employees of this party. The re search sample consisted of two hundred and fifteen male and female employees of various administrative levels in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education and (Bass & Avolio, 1995) were used to measure the pattern of the leadership, and the (Bilbeisi 2013) to measure the morale. They have used the statistical methods which were suitable for the purpose of the questionnaires that were distributed to the study sample to examine the moral relationship to the variables of the study using the Statistical Package SPSS which is a program analysis for Social Science. The final result of the research is that the used pattern of the leadership in this Ministry is the transformational leadership pattern, followed by the interactive leadership pattern (procedural) and finally the negative pattern, which eventually effect the staff morale in various degrees and their keenness to work, considering that the percentages of compatibility of these patterns came too close together, which can explain or prove that the Administrative leaders in this Ministry; follow all administrative patterns of leadership depending on each case.
The research aims to identify the role of strategic planning in the private higher education by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the private university to help in choosing the strategy to exploit the opportunities and strength points. A nd also to avoid or address weaknesses and threats. So that the private university would be able to achieve continuous improvements and distinctions epecially in the light of the current circumstances in Syria. And the Academy inLatakia, has been chosen being one of the first private universities in Syria. We relyed on the descriptive and analytical approach and the use of questionnaires for each one who is responsible of strategic planning in the academy in order to highlight the steps to be followed to prepare a strategic plan for the academy because it hasn't been following the strategic planning approach in a practical way to improve the performance of its educational tasks. The most important results that have been reached are: the academic management interaction with moral and conduct strategic planning was weak due to the weakness of responsibility towards the process of change and also because of the constant change in the administrative leadership of the academy during short periods of time The research has also shown that the faculty teaching members are not aware of the academy's mission and that is because there isn't a suitable atmosphere in the academy right now for change and developement especially in the light of the existing competitions. In the light of these results, the researcher suggested the following: The management in this branch should provide the right atmosphere to accept changes by starting awareness campaigns within the scientific and administrative departments of the academy to introduce the members to the mission of the academy, its goals and future plans.
The aim of this study was to study the relationship between support and support of senior management and flexibility of higher education organizations. A questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of senior management at Tishreen University, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Maritime Transport (20), and a second questionnaire on a sample of scientific scientists Each of the two universities amounted to (327) workers. The study concluded that the higher education organizations under study apply the principle of supporting and supporting the senior management well, and the higher education organizations studied the flexibility in an acceptable manner, where all the changes took place, and by relying on the T test for two independent samples using the SPSS program, The impact of supporting and supporting senior management as one of the tools of TQM on flexibility as one of the dimensions of competitive advantage of higher education organizations under study.
This study aimed to identify strategic planning at public school in Abu Dhabi Zone by answering the following questions:" What is reality strategic planning at public school'?' What is the impact of specialization, experience, qualification, Job o f the sample members on achieving the goals of research'?
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