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The impact of work related stress on the performance of the employees of healthcare sector: Field study in the hospitals of Ministry of Higher Education in Damascus

أثر ضغوط العمل في مستوى أداء العاملين في القطاع الصحي: دراسة ميدانية في مشافي وزارة التعليم العالي بدمشق

3015   9   113   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Business Management
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Allameh, S., Harooni, A. and Chaleshtari, M. (2013) “Investigate the relationship between variables and role clarity effects on the perceived service quality of front line employees: Studied on the clerks of the Keshavarzi Bank in the Province of Chaharmahal-E-Bakhtiary”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 127-138
Alreck, P.L. and Settle, R.B. (1995) The Survey Research Handbook. 2nd Edition, Chicago: Irwin
Ashfaq, S., Mahmood, Z. and Mehboob, A. (2013) “Impact of work-life conflict and work overload on employee performance in banking sector of Pakistan”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 688-695
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This study focuses on the role of strategic planning in improving the performance of organizations, taking the Ministry of Higher Education in the Syrian Arab Republic as a model to develop the higher education sector and plan future educational policies in Syria.
This research aims to identify the leadership styles in general and the established pattern of leadership in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education in particular, and the impact of this pattern on the morale of the employees of this party. The re search sample consisted of two hundred and fifteen male and female employees of various administrative levels in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education and (Bass & Avolio, 1995) were used to measure the pattern of the leadership, and the (Bilbeisi 2013) to measure the morale. They have used the statistical methods which were suitable for the purpose of the questionnaires that were distributed to the study sample to examine the moral relationship to the variables of the study using the Statistical Package SPSS which is a program analysis for Social Science. The final result of the research is that the used pattern of the leadership in this Ministry is the transformational leadership pattern, followed by the interactive leadership pattern (procedural) and finally the negative pattern, which eventually effect the staff morale in various degrees and their keenness to work, considering that the percentages of compatibility of these patterns came too close together, which can explain or prove that the Administrative leaders in this Ministry; follow all administrative patterns of leadership depending on each case.
This research focuses on the phenomenon of diversity and multi-culture through the work environment of the ministry of industry, through the behavior of individuals and how different the culture and the diversity of ideas, skills and creativity and its impact on performance. The researcher depends on a sector of workers at the ministry of industry consisted of (150) workers on top of their work during the sixth month of the current year (2013) in order to identify the impact of the manifestations diversity (both demographic and cultural in this environment) on the performance of workers. The researcher used the analytical method and descriptive manner in the analysis of data prepared in accordance to juried survey and is composed of two main pillars, first of the manifestations of diversity (demographic and cultural) in the work environment, and the other of productivity, using certain statistical methods: Test (T-TEST) for two independent samples, and testing of variance (ANOVA), and the alpha-Cronbach coefficient to test the stability of scale search tool. The search found the following results: - The manifestation of the demographic diversity does affect positively the performance of workers at the ministry of industry except for the working status doesn't affect the performance.- The manifestation of the demographic diversity affects positively the productivity of workers at the ministry of industry. The researcher recommends the following: - The need to absorb the concept of aspects of demographic diversity and cultural diversity as an important concept in the present time in all public sectors. -The necessity of activating the role of human resources management at the ministry of industry.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على المناخ التنظيمي السائد في وزارة الزراعة السورية. كما تهدف إلى تحديد أثر المناخ التنظيمي السائد في أداء العاملين في وزارة الزراعة السورية.
The study aims to determine the relationship between the job stress and the task performance of employees in the university hospitals, and determine the appropriate strategies to reduce the job stress. The study was applied on a sample of 181 worke rs in Higher Education hospitals (Al-Assad University Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital) in Damascus city. Data were collected through using a questionnaire to measure the stress job and the task performance for the employees in the sample of the study. Analysis (Importance- Performance) was used to answer the questions of the study. The study gives us the following results: 1. The factors (such as gender, type of work, the nature of work, age, number of years of experience and educational qualification) have a big effect at the stress job for the workers in the university hospitals. 2. Marital status (single or married) of the Researched workers does not have any effect at the stress job for the workers in the university hospitals. 3. There is a positive correlation between the level of the task performance of the worker and the level of the stress job that caused by the following factors (Command and Control, Influence on Decisions and Clarity of the Role). 4. There is a negative correlation between the level of the task performance of the worker and the level of the stress job that caused by the following factors (role conflict, requirements and workload). 5. Enable of the subordinates to participate on the meetings that related to developing the job, as well as involving them in decisions that effect on their work and tasks.
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