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Prevailing administrative leadership style and its impact on the performance of organizations:A field study on private insurance companies in Syria

نمط القيادة الإدارية السائد و أثره في أداء المنظمات: دراسة ميدانية صلى شركات التأمين الخاصة في سورية

2316   6   44   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The Importance and the problem of the research lies in the urgent need of all organizations to a distinct successful manager able to achieve the objectives. It should also be noted that the supervisor in the private organizations should pay attention to fulfill the job taking into account the needs and wishes of the workers at the same time by creating a harmonious positive case between both directions in what ensure achieving the objective of the organization the highest productivity and best performance. The study relied on two main variables: the independent variable (leadership style) and the dependent (Organizational performance) . The study is a questionnaire addressed to insurance organizations that was designed in the form of three models, the first one is prompt for Administrators and the second for employees and for the customers.

References used
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rate research

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This study tries to see if there is a possible relationship between liquidity, solvency as well as administrative efficiency and profitability ratios of private insurance companies during the period (2009-2013).The study tries to do so, using methods of statistical and financial analysis, particularly SPSS statistical software. Annual changes are calculated for each of the ratios studied, in addition to the average rate of change or growth during the period studied. The relationship between each of the ratios studied (liquidity, solvency, and administrative efficiency) and profitability is also analyzed to see the effect of each of these ratios on profitability, using simple regression. The most influential figure affecting profitability is then determined using multiple regression. The study concluds that the relationship between the ratio of liquidity and profitability of the insurance companies is an inverse relationship, very durable and statistically significant. The relationship between the ratio of the solvency and profitability of insurance companies is a positive relationship, very tough and statistically significant, while the relationship between ratio of administrative efficiency and profitability of insurance companies is a positive relationship, very strong and statistically significant. The solvency ratio is the most influential in the insurance companies. This confirms that the nature of the work in insurance companies is based on the principle of return and risk. The study recommends encouraging scientific research in the field of insurance, and the adoption of global studies related to insurance. It suggests work in coordination with universities and institutes to hold specialized seminars, meetings and distribute pamphlets to spread awareness of insurance. It also recommends that insurance companies work to diversify their investments and abandon conservative policies. The research also recommends activation of the partnership between the insurance companies and local banks as a way to contribute to achieving economic and social development.
The study addressed the investments of insurance companies listed market Damascus Securities Exchange, and its impact on the performance of the market to know how much they contribute to the improvement of Damascus Securities Exchange performance through the study of the relationship between the size of the investment represented by turnover of the shares of insurance companies listed in Damascus Securities Exchange and Index Damascus Securities Exchange, During the period 1-1-2010 until 31- 12-2014 in order to improve and raise the level of the insurance sector as an important investment sectors in the national economy.
This research aims to identify the factors affecting the profitability of insurance companies operating in Syria, a contribution to assist the management of those companies to create the appropriate environment to ensure these companies to sustain and success in achieving their objectives and achieving the desired economic development. To achieve the purpose of the study, data was collected from insurance companies operating in Syria, two companies were excluded from the study, Oqaila Takaful Insurance Company because of its commitment to the principles of Islamic law, and the General Syrian Insurance Corporation because of the lack of of its financial data. The study period spanned from 2009 to 2013. For the purpose of the study data analysis was used a Panel Data model namely the pooled regression. The data were analyzed based on Eviews7. Results of the study showed that both the political crisis and investments positively affect the profitability of the company, while the leverage negatively affect the profitability of insurance companies, the company's size and liquidity, did not show an effect on the profitability of insurance companies.
This research aims to identify the leadership styles in general and the established pattern of leadership in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education in particular, and the impact of this pattern on the morale of the employees of this party. The re search sample consisted of two hundred and fifteen male and female employees of various administrative levels in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education and (Bass & Avolio, 1995) were used to measure the pattern of the leadership, and the (Bilbeisi 2013) to measure the morale. They have used the statistical methods which were suitable for the purpose of the questionnaires that were distributed to the study sample to examine the moral relationship to the variables of the study using the Statistical Package SPSS which is a program analysis for Social Science. The final result of the research is that the used pattern of the leadership in this Ministry is the transformational leadership pattern, followed by the interactive leadership pattern (procedural) and finally the negative pattern, which eventually effect the staff morale in various degrees and their keenness to work, considering that the percentages of compatibility of these patterns came too close together, which can explain or prove that the Administrative leaders in this Ministry; follow all administrative patterns of leadership depending on each case.
Organizations continuously seek to improve their performance in order to ensure their growth and stability in the market, especially in light of the risk and uncertainty which both of them have an adversely affects on the performance of organizatio ns. Consequently, organizations have to adapt mechanisms enable them coping with uncertainty situation and its consequences. This study aimed to investigate the impact of the strategic flexibility on the performance of insurance companies in Tartous, it has been getting the data had collected through a questionnaire which designed to measure the strategic flexibility, and to measure overall performance (efficiency and effectiveness), questionnaire had distributed to managers and heads of departments at insurance companies in Tartous city. SPSS (18) was used for data analyzing. The study showed a significant relationship between both (initiative strategic flexibility – reaction flexibility) and efficient performance in insurance companies , the value of the correlation coefficient between independent variables and the dependent variable (efficiency) was r= 0.569, (a positive correlation), and the coefficient of determination r 2 = 32.3%, that means the independent variable (strategic flexibility) explains 32.3% of dependent variable changes of (the efficiency) and remainder Complement ratio relates to other factors did not note by this study. In addition to that, study showed a significant relationship between (both (initiative strategic flexibility – reaction flexibility) effectiveness at insurance companies, the value of the correlation coefficient between independent variables and the dependent variable (effectiveness) was r= 0.74, a positive correlation, and the coefficient of determination r 2 =54.8%. That means the independent variable (strategic flexibility) explains 32.3% of dependent variable changes of (the effectiveness) and remainder Complement ratio relates to other factors did not note by this study.
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