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The Role of Abdullah Ibn Ali in Establishing the Pillars of Abbasid State and His Destiny (died 147 H. 764 AD)

دور عبد الله بن علي في إرساء قواعد الدولة العباسية و مآله ت 147 ه/ 764 م

2033   3   191   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Abdullah Ibn Ali is one of the most important figures who took part in the proclamation of the Abbasid Caliphate and its domination over all the surrounding areas, since he had outstanding political and military manipulation which enabled him to quell several rebellions, for his reputation preceded his entry into the rebelling areas and extinguished these revolts that feared his severe vengeance. In spite of all of these, emerged like the others, as a rebel against the Abbasid authority which he defended, represented by Caliph Al-Mansour, Abdullah ignited the Euphrates peninsula district with revolts, but he was eventually murdered in a salt house after given amnesty. Therefore, why did he have this destiny and this end?

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يتناول البحث دور عبد الله بن علي في تأسيس الدولة العباسية ومصيره النهائي. عبد الله بن علي كان له دور بارز في القضاء على الدولة الأموية من خلال قيادته لمعركة الزاب التي أنهت حكم الأمويين. بعد ذلك، قام بملاحقة بقايا الأمويين وقتلهم بوحشية، مما أكسبه سمعة السفاح. ومع ذلك، لم يحصل عبد الله على السلطة التي كان يطمح إليها، مما دفعه للتمرد ضد الخليفة العباسي الجديد، أبو جعفر المنصور. انتهت حياته بالقتل بعد أن أعطاه المنصور الأمان، مما يثير تساؤلات حول مدى وفاء العباسيين بوعودهم. البحث يسلط الضوء على الثورات التي قامت ضد العباسيين ودور عبد الله في قمعها، بالإضافة إلى تحليل لقب السفاح ومن يستحقه بين عبد الله بن علي وأبو العباس السفاح.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: البحث غني بالمعلومات التاريخية ويقدم تحليلاً شاملاً لدور عبد الله بن علي في تأسيس الدولة العباسية. ومع ذلك، يمكن ملاحظة بعض النقاط التي تحتاج إلى توضيح أو تحسين. أولاً، البحث يعتمد بشكل كبير على المصادر التاريخية التقليدية دون تقديم تحليل نقدي كافٍ لهذه المصادر. ثانياً، هناك تركيز كبير على الجانب العسكري والسياسي دون التطرق بشكل كافٍ للجوانب الاجتماعية والثقافية التي تأثرت بهذه الأحداث. ثالثاً، البحث يفتقر إلى مقارنة بين عبد الله بن علي وقادة آخرين في نفس الفترة، مما يمكن أن يضيف عمقاً أكبر للتحليل. وأخيراً، يمكن تحسين البحث بإضافة المزيد من الخرائط والجداول الزمنية لتوضيح الأحداث بشكل أفضل.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الدور الذي لعبه عبد الله بن علي في تأسيس الدولة العباسية؟

    عبد الله بن علي لعب دوراً محورياً في تأسيس الدولة العباسية من خلال قيادته لمعركة الزاب التي أنهت حكم الأمويين، وملاحقته لبقايا الأمويين وقتلهم بوحشية.

  2. لماذا تمرد عبد الله بن علي ضد الخليفة العباسي الجديد أبو جعفر المنصور؟

    تمرد عبد الله بن علي ضد أبو جعفر المنصور لأنه لم يحصل على السلطة التي كان يطمح إليها بعد كل الجهود التي بذلها في تأسيس الدولة العباسية.

  3. ما هي الثورات التي قام عبد الله بن علي بقمعها؟

    عبد الله بن علي قمع عدة ثورات ضد العباسيين، منها ثورة حبيب بن مرة المري، وثورة أبي الورد الكلابي، وثورة أهل دمشق، وثورة إسحاق بن مسلم العقيلي.

  4. ما هو الجدل حول لقب السفاح ومن يستحقه؟

    الجدل حول لقب السفاح يتمحور حول ما إذا كان يجب أن يُطلق على عبد الله بن علي بسبب وحشيته في قتل الأمويين، أو على الخليفة العباسي الأول أبو العباس عبد الله بن محمد الذي استخدم اللقب في خطبته.

References used
مجموعة من المؤلفين: المعجم الوسيط، القاهرة، د.، 1990 .
عطوان (حسين): الدعوة العباسية تاريخ و تطور، بيروت، دار الجيل، د.ت.
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This paper used crop combination analysis to classify and map the distribution of over ١٥٠٠ small farms which make up the middle part of the King Abdullah Canal Project, Jordan. The analysis showed that most of the farms are of a single enterprise type with vegetable growers predominant in winter and permanent trees in summer. Enterprises based on fruit trees were found to be common in the northern parts while cereal farms were common in the south. A minority of farms were of dual enterprises, mainly mixing vegetable production with tree crops. The reasons for these spatial variations in enterprises were discussed. With limitations imposed on cropping by the summer drought, and irrigation supplies are being less reliable, most cropping was confined to the winter season. About ٤٠ percent of the farms was entirely idle in the summer and most of the others only operate at a low level of intensity.
The research attempts to compromise a linguistic case to be understand able it’s the theory in phase the formation, and it is the detection hangs in about the image which appeared in its personality of the oratorical self, the transformations which occurred on it, and their application mechanism to a linguistic text which is the speech of AL- HASAN Ibn ALI Ibn ABI TALEB In Sabatt. Moreover, The research attempts to set up a compromise that clarifies both sides of saying: theoretical and practical, so the research to importance indicated the rhetoric in describing its industry, and seeks to attracting the addresses "receivers" and the impacting and persuading them, and explain the components of the communication process, and illustrated the manifestations of the ethos, started with the advanced ethos that pertains to the person speaking, and through the oratorical ethos, it is the image that the speech producer tried to construct in the text, to reach the image of the self was formed after the end of the discourse, which proposed usher naming the post-rhetorical ethos, and how the recipient rebelled against the preacher when the third verb of the speech act was achieved. The analytical descriptive and method might sound the perfect way via which one can get to the speech of AL- HASAN Ibn ALI, analysis of procedural processes in the study of linguistic phenomena after determining their scope time and environment, and detecting shifts in the image of the discourse product "ethos" .
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The government of companies is considered one of modern concepts which appeared in the last decade of twentieth century . Lately, it is interested by many advanced and undeveloped counties as a result of many cases of administrative and financial failure that grate companies in Us and east of Asia have faced . So work should include mechanisms and system which enable to control between bearers of companies shares and its administrative committee besides ensuring the rights of all parties that deal with the company and affected by its activity and practices and this is known ( Government of Companies) .
The research presents is an attempt to study the Techniques and tactics of speech which convince the receiver of its notions and ideas so that he takes them for granted then it applies them to a historical text which is "the speech of Abullah Ibn Y ehia, Head of Ibadyyeh when ruling Yemen". the research also attempts to make a compromise clarifying both sides of the saying : the theoretical and the practical alongside the tacticse utilized in persuasion. The orator\ speaker begins with emotional usages emanated from tribal thoughts that both the receiver and the sender embrace taking them from Islamic law principles which evoke fear in the Muslim receiver as they are ready-made arguments. Then they display emotional mental ones that refrain from grabbing the attention of the receiver but make him aware of the disappearance of classes' differences with the sender. This happens in instructional strategies that enabled him to have an impact upon the receiver knowing his intentions and aim via some data of pragmatic linguistics which rely on argumentation, verbal acts and subtle expressionistic styles deployed in this same context. This pragmatic might be the best when it comes to studying his speech, analyzing it, then unraveling its tools of persuasion taking into account that is a science that studies language in context.
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