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The Impact Of Diversity in a Portfolio of Marketing Innovations to Market Share (A survey on the Syrian private banks)

تأثير التنويع في محفظة الابتكارات التسويقية على الحصة السوقية (دراسة مسحية على القطاع المصرفي الخاص في سورية)

1980   1   152   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The process of achieving balance in the portfolio of marketing innovations is one of successful marketing innovation's requirements in the Organization, which in turn reflects positively on the performance through distributing risks and reducing it, highlighting its importance inside modern economic environment witch characterizes by constant change and the renewable risks. The research aims to study the strategies of diversification in a portfolio of marketing innovations in the Syrian private banks and its impact to market share. To achieve this, the researcher used the Entropy index to measure the degree of diversity in the portfolio of marketing innovations. and use the hierarchical cluster analysis to categorize groups according to the variables of diversity and market share of the studied banks using Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS V (23) to reach Researcher to the following findings: There is a difference in the diversification strategies inside portfolio of marketing innovations for studied banks. And banks which achieve high value of the variety index are whose have high market share While the value of index was law for most of banks which their market shares are low, and therefore, researcher suggested that banks have to Develop their Business models in order to increase the value of innovative banking services and achieve differentiation in the followed diversification strategies to reduce the various risks.

References used
BILLIO et al. an entropy – based early warning indicator for systemic risk . SYRTO working paper series, working paper n. 12,university Ca' foscari of venice , 2015,3
DRUCKER, PETER F. managing for results. 1 st. ed. Collins publishers, 2006,208
FRENKEN et al. variety and regional economic growth in Netherlands. urban &reglonal research center Utrecht, Netherlands, 2004, 18
rate research

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The research aimed to assess the performance of the private banking sector in Syrian Arab Republic during the period between 2010-2018 from a supervisory prospect of the Central Bank to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the banking sector in Syrian Arab Republic. We gathered the statistical data issued by local banks (14 traditional and Islamic banks). The performance of the banks was evaluated separately using the CAMELS model, where the study showed average performance of the operating banks. The researchers deliberately used indicators of capital adequacy, asset quality, management efficiency, profitability, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risks. In addition, the researchers tried to study the effect of stock market risk on the performance of the banking sector by forming a portfolio of shares of banks operating in Syria. The results of the statistical analysis using the SPSS program, through the Discriminant Analysis test, showed the presence of an impact of a number of indicators on the performance of the banking sector. In the end, a model for evaluating the performance of the banking sector was obtained using a multiple regression model and the model is able to explain the performance of the banking sector by 88.4%.
This paper aimed to discuss whether bank marketing mix affect the profitability of traditional private commercial banks operating in Syria during the period 2010 - 2017. Where the effect of the following independent variables has been studied: the nu mber of banking services, the price of traditional services, the price of modern services, distribution, promotion, pepole, process and physical evidence, on the rate of return on equity as a dependent variable. The study adopted the Panel Data, which were collected from the financial reports of the studied banks, then the models of these data were estimated and the comparison between them was done on the basis of the restricted F test, where it was found that the fixed effects model is the most appropriate model for the study. The study concluded that there was no statistically significant effect of any of the elements of the marketing mix on the rate of return on equity of the studied banks, in other words, the banking marketing mix had no significant impact on the profitability of these banks during the period studied.
The objective of this research is to measure and evaluating the quality of service in the private commercial banks in Syria and for the purpose of determining the basic dimensions of quality of service that customers are looking for and preferred, even these banks are able to focus and emphasize it and use it to enhance customer satisfaction and retention, and to achieve the objectives of the study are designed questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of customer three private commercial banks in the city of Hama (BEMO bank - Bank of Syria and Almahjr- Arab Bank).
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