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أثر الإسلام في شعر الغزل العفيف

1623   2   181   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research is dedicated to the aspects of the affected poetry (crazy Leila) and (crazy Lubna) of cultural Islamic, has resorted to extrapolate poetry of Qies Ibn thareeh and Qies Ibn Almoulawah and the development impact of this culture and linked Islamic origins as I could, it did not delve into the analysis and reasoning and so forth; because it needs to be a broader expanse not endure this search and I hope to be put the light of the moral aspect of his poetry.

References used
إبراهيم، مصطفى عبد الرحمن، 1998 - في النقد الأدبي القديم عند العرب. مكة للطباعة، الطبعة الأولى، مصر/القاهرة.
بروكلمان، كارل، د.ت- تاريخ الأدب العربي. ترجمة:عبد الحليم النجار، دار المعارف، الطبعة الرابعة، مصر/القاهرة.
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This study considers the meaning of this term from all perspectives: It is mature, dimensions, mechanisms and types because it is closely associated with poetry, and artistic experience, and with the existential comprehension related to the world matters as a whole, which depends on the principle of twin elements and their antagonistic relations. This style has appeared in the poetry of the Islamic conquests in early Islam.
This research fox on the mechanisms of argumentative inference to the poetry of Early Islamic era , and we don't mean of inference the strict logical one , but the pragmatic inference which fucuses on language in the context of use and in the soci al and cultural context . And this study isn't restricted on political dialectic poetries , so that how many poetries exudes self disappear behind it deep argumentative dimension .
يحدد هذا البحث فرضه العلمي، و رؤيته النقدية، فيرى أن الشعراء لا يصورون العالم الخارجي كما هو، بل يصورون علاقتهم به، و موقفهم منه، و لذلك يضيفون إلى هذا العالم عناصر عاطفية و عقلية و خيالية و فنية. و يطبق هذه الرؤية لاختبار فرضه العلمي (عدم تصوير العا لم الخارجي كما هو...) على موضوع "القطا" في نماذج من شعر صدر الإسلام و العصر الأموي، فيعرض هذه النماذج و يحللها في ثلاثة سياقات: 1- سياق الحب و الغزل. 2- سياق الرحلة. 3- سياق الصيد. و قد أظهر البحث صحة فرضه العلمي المذكور، و تبين من تحليل النصوص الشعرية أن الشعراء وظفوا "القطا" فنيًا للتعبير عن أحاسيسهم و مشاعرهم، و تصورهم للكون و نواميسه. و بذلك كانت طيور "القطا" التي أحسنوا تصوير أطراف واسعة من حياتها وسيلة فنية للتعبير عن ذواتهم و رؤاهم و تصوراتهم.
يشكل تأطير أساطير العالم القديم في الشعر الحديث بداية مزايا تكثيف النص الشعري وتشكيل طبقات القصائد - الأساسية منها والفرعية - خاصة إذا ما كانت هذه القصائد مشبعة بالاساطير
The thesis tends to study of (Blindness factor in the poetry of Bashar Bin Bord), in an effort to rehabilitation of the poetic phenomenon which was tarnished through much of the social and historical details, and this means that the thesis won't be seeking for collecting the information spread in the books and references about Bashar, unless that shed light on the information intended to be focused, which is the deformity factor (blindness) in the poetry of Bashar groping the diction methods that he followed to convey his are, and reveal the locution and artistic phenomena inn his poetry. Further, the thesis raises a bunch of questions, even though it won't be able to answer all of them, as this requires a bigger space not available in this small research, and needs a bigger devotion and effort. Out of these questions: what is the difference between the born blind, blind and night- blind? what is the proper wording to express the deformity of Bashar? And the more important question: how could the blind, Bashar, depict a world that he had never seen, whereas his eye, i.e., his photographing camera? Then, what are the other senses that he developed and depended on as alternatives to depict the outside world? What is the nature of the sensational depiction in his verse? Then, what is the scope of reflection and effect of blindness on his character, poetry and some of his subjects?
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