نُفّذَ البحث في مخبر التقانات الحيوية التابع للهيئة العامة للبحوث العلمية الزراعية خـلال الموسـم
2010-2011 . و قد هدف إلى دراسة التنوع الوراثي لعشرين مدخلاً نباتياً تتبع لسبعة أنواع من الرغـل
تنتشر في سورية و تحديد درجة القرابة الوراثية فيما بينها؛ و ذلك باسـتخدام تقنيـة مـا بين تكراريـات
10 الغـرض لهـذا و اسـتخدم Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) ISSR) البسيطة التسلسلات
مرئسات. أثبتت المرئسات المستخدمة فعاليتها في إعطاء تعددية شكلية polymorphic بـين الأنـواع
المدروسة و نجم عن استخدامها ما مجموعه 195 أليلاً (قريناً)، و بلغت نسبة هذه التعددية 100 % راوح
عدد الحزم لكل مرئس بين 12 حزمة كأقل عدد مع المرئس (4-ISSR) و 27 حزمة كـأعلى عـدد مـع
المرئس (862-ISSR) بمتوسط 5.19 حزمة لكل مرئس. أظهر كلّ من التحليل العنقودي و شجرة القرابة
الوراثية أن أعلى درجة قرابة وراثية كانت بين المدخلين leucoclada1.A و leucoclada2.A) 64.0)
في حين كانت أقل درجة قرابة وراثية بين النـوعين leucoclada3.A و glauca2.A) 10.0) . دلـت
النتائج على التنوع الوراثي الكبير للأنواع التابعة لجنس الرغل Atriplex في سورية.
This investigation was carried out at the Laboratory of Biotechnology at
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), during the
season 2010-2011. The aim of this research was to study the genetic diversity
among twenty individual plants of seven species and to determine the degree of
genetic similarity using the technique ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats)
and 10 primers were used for this purpose. All primers proved their
effectiveness in showing polymorphism between the studied species, primers
gave a total 195 allele with a polymorphic percentage 100%. The number of
bands for each primer varied from a minimum of 12 bands for the primer
(ISSR-4) to a maximum of 27 bands for the primer (ISSR-862) in an average of
19.5 bands for each primer, cluster analysis and Dendrogram showed the
highest degree of genetic similarity between accession A.leucoclada1 and
A.leucoclada2 (0.64), while it was low between species A.leucoclada3 and
A.glauca2 (0.10). Results showed vast genetic diversity among the studied
References used
Bornet, B.; Goraguer, F.; Joly, G. and Branchard, M. (2002). Genetic diversity in European and Argentinean cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) detected by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). Genome 45: 481-484
Bouda, S.; Haddioui, A.; Baaziz, M.; Del Campo, F.F. and Hernández, L.E. (2006). Genetic diversity characterization of genus Atriplex using RAPD markers. Congrès International de Biochimie. Agadir, 09-12 Mai 2006. 64- 68
Chowdhury, M.A.; Vandenberg, B. and Warkentin, T. (2002). Cultivar identification and genetic relationship among selected breeding lines and cultivars in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica 127: 317–325
Ephedra is a dioecious, drought- and frost-resistant, perennial, evergreen shrub
with high medicinal value due to its content of ephedrine alkaloids. It became quite clear throughout
referential studies that this significant medical plant which is spontaneously widespread in Syria and there
have been an increased international demand on it hasn’t been studied yet.
Atriplex is one of good adaptive plants to the Characteristics of drought fragile
environments, and it has high ability to tolerate many ecological stresses such as drought
and high temperature and salinity.
The plant is characterized by its huge
This research was carried out in molecular biology laboratory
faculty of agriculture /Damascus University during the agriculture
season 2015-2016, to study the genetic diversity and determine the
degree of genetic similarity among eleven 11 cultiv
The objective of this study was to characterize and determine the genetic
variation among twelve cultivars and four rootstocks, belonging to Amygdalus
genus in Syria using the simple sequence repeats (SSRs) marker. It was found
that 154 alleles we
Morphological and molecular characterization for six seedling genotypes of
Pistachio vera L (V1,V2,V3,V4,V5, and V6) in comparison with the most
commercial and wide spread varieties, Ashoury andWhite batoury was carried
out in Swaida province, sou