تتميز شجيرة الإفدرا بأنها ثنائية الجنس، مقاومة للجفاف و الصقيع على حد سواء، معمرة، و ذات قيمة دوائية كبيرة لاحتوائها على قلويدات الإفدرين.
تبين من خلال الدراسة المرجعية أنه لم تجرِ دراسة تفصيلية لهذا النبات الطبي المهم المنتشر طبيعياً في سورية الذي تزايد عليه الطلب عالمياً.
Ephedra is a dioecious, drought- and frost-resistant, perennial, evergreen shrub
with high medicinal value due to its content of ephedrine alkaloids. It became quite clear throughout
referential studies that this significant medical plant which is spontaneously widespread in Syria and there
have been an increased international demand on it hasn’t been studied yet.
References used
Chevallier, A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. New York: DK Publishing Inc. 1996; 93
Barnes,J, Anderson,L, Phillipson,J.D .Herbal Medicines. Third edition . 2007; 243-246
Tyler V, et al. Pharmacognosy. 9th edn. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. 1988;110
This investigation was carried out at the Laboratory of Biotechnology at
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), during the
season 2010-2011. The aim of this research was to study the genetic diversity
among twenty individ
The objective of this study was to characterize and determine the genetic
variation among twelve cultivars and four rootstocks, belonging to Amygdalus
genus in Syria using the simple sequence repeats (SSRs) marker. It was found
that 154 alleles we
Morphological and molecular characterization for six seedling genotypes of
Pistachio vera L (V1,V2,V3,V4,V5, and V6) in comparison with the most
commercial and wide spread varieties, Ashoury andWhite batoury was carried
out in Swaida province, sou
This research was conducted to detect the morphological and molecular
differences between golden henbane (Hyoscyamus aureus L) collected from
south Syria. Seeds were collected from six locations, then sterilized and grown
In Vitro. Grown plants we
Seven plant samples were collected from some locations of Syrian juniper
(Juniperus drupacea Labill.) in Syria for molecular characterization and to
determine the genetic relationships between them using ISSR technique (Inter
Simple Sequence Repea