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Patterns of class control practiced by teachers in the schools of the Educational Directorate in Mafraq Governorate

أنماط الضبط الصفي التي يمارسها المعلمون لحفظ النظام الصفي في مدارس مديرية التربية و التعليم للواء قصبة محافظة المفرق

2635   7   35   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2006
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study aimed at recognizing the patterns of the class control which are applied by teachers to master class disciplinary in the Educational Directorate in Mafraq Governorate from the point of view of the teachers. It also aimed at recognizing the effect of those independent variables: sex, the stage which a teacher teaches, teacher’s scientific qualification and years of experience. The sample of the study consisted of (210) teachers chosen randomly. The two researchers used an instrument for measuring the degree of application of the class disciplinary patterns. The instrument consists of (35) items which cover three class disciplinary patterns: preventive pattern, abusive pattern and mastery pattern.

References used
عدس، عبد الرحمن.( 1998 ). علم النفس التربوي "نظره معاصرة ". عمان:دار الفكر للطباعة والنشر.
وزارة التربية والتعليم. ( 1988 ) . دليل تعليمات الانضباط المدرسي، مديرية الصحة المدرسية، قسم الإرشاد والصحة النفسية عمان:وزارة التربية والتعليم.
Jambor, I (1984) “classroom management and discipline without coroal punishment, in Norwegian elementary school” ERIC ED 52295
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The purpose of this study was to explore the role of Educational supervisors in developing professional performance of social studies teachers in the Directorate of Education in the north-west Badia in Mafraq Governorate, Jordan. To achieve the ob jectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed consisting of (43) items divided into five domains, which was distributed to (99) teachers (male and female).
The objective of this research is to identify the organizational climate in basic education schools in the province of Damascus, from the point of view of teachers and the nature of human relations prevailing between them. This search used descriptiv e analytical method. The sample included (328) teachers of primary schools in the province of Damascus for the academic year 2012/2013. To achieve the objective of this research, the organizational climate questionnaire has included (38) items, and human relation questionnaire has included (30) items. Results show that, there were significant relationships between organizational climate and human relations prevailing between teachers. Also there were no significant differences between respondents answers about their schools' climate and human relations in general. The research concludes with recommendations, including further researches about organizational climate in schools according to other variables, also aims to provide more programs and activities, which enhance human relationships between teachers.
This study aimed to know the teachers of basic education trends towards individualized instruction in schools in the province of Homs, and most important teachers proposals to activate the use of individualized instruction strategies in the educat ional process, so was prepared to identify trends that have been applied to a random sample of teachers of basic education in the schools of the province of Homs and totaling (84) teachers.
The research aimed to identify the level of self-efficacy and types of classroom discipline and the relationship between them for the students teachers in the College of Education at Tartous University. Using the descriptive method to validate the research hypotheses, the sampling consisted of (76) male and female students of the Faculty of Education for the year 2015/2016, a questionnaire of Self-efficacy (Slimon, 2004) was used and along with a questionnaire of the types of classroom discipline(Alharahsheh and alkhawaldeh, 2009) after verifying the validity and reliability, and a statistical program for educational and psychological (spss) was used. The research found the following results: the students teachers had a high level of self-efficacy, as the value of mean reached (3.882) with a standard deviation of (0.541) The classroom discipline types had the following order: The indicative type at first (3.850), then the reprimand type(3.276) and the punitive type came at least (2.910). There is also an extrusive positive correlation between the level of self-efficacy and types of classroom discipline. The Self-efficacy was affected by variable of sex but wasn't affected by variable of secondary certificate. And the type of classroom discipline wasn’t affected by variables: sex, and secondary certificate. The researcher concludes a number of suggestions like: training students teachers on the positive classroom discipline skills, and raise their level of self-efficacy, conducting more studies about the subject.
This study aimed at investigating the extent of practice of teachers of secondary stage for the basic skills efficiently. It aimed also to investigate the effect of gender and experience The importance of this study comes from the necessity of get ting these skills and its role in effective learning inside the classroom.
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