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The Role of Educational Supervisors in Developing Professional Performance of Social Studies Teachers in the Directorate of Education in the North-West Badia in Mafraq Governorate

دور المشرفين التربويين في تطوير الأداء المهني لمعلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في مديرية التربية و التعليم للواء البادية الشمالية الغربية في محافظة المفرق

1826   2   66   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The purpose of this study was to explore the role of Educational supervisors in developing professional performance of social studies teachers in the Directorate of Education in the north-west Badia in Mafraq Governorate, Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed consisting of (43) items divided into five domains, which was distributed to (99) teachers (male and female).

References used
Carolina، 1988). Dissertation Abstract International، 50 (2)، 322-A
السعود، راتب. ( 2002 ). الإشراف التربوي (اتجاهات حديثة). ط 1، عمان: مركز طارق للخدمات الجامعية.
المساد، محمود. ( 1986 ). الإشراف التربوي الحديث: واقع وطموح. اربد: دار الأمل.
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The study aimed at recognizing the patterns of the class control which are applied by teachers to master class disciplinary in the Educational Directorate in Mafraq Governorate from the point of view of the teachers. It also aimed at recognizing t he effect of those independent variables: sex, the stage which a teacher teaches, teacher’s scientific qualification and years of experience. The sample of the study consisted of (210) teachers chosen randomly. The two researchers used an instrument for measuring the degree of application of the class disciplinary patterns. The instrument consists of (35) items which cover three class disciplinary patterns: preventive pattern, abusive pattern and mastery pattern.
The present study aimed at investigating the perspectives of Arabic Language teachers in North-eastern Badia Directorate of Education of their training needs based on their knowledge of economy standards. The variables of the study are gender, qual ification and years of experience.
The present study aimed to detect the degree of exercise The Arabic language teachers for creative thinking skills in the Directorate of Education for the North Eastern Badia region. The study's sample consisted of (200) The Arabic language teacher s for sixth and seven grades. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used a questionnaire composed of (63) items. The results of the study showed that the degree of exercise The Arabic language teachers for creative thinking skills development of the student was moderate on the instrument total score, and in the fields of freedom of expression, the positive perspective towards creativity, teaching methods, methods of evaluation, the class environment, and creativity stimulation. Results of the study also pointed to the lack of a statistically significant degree in exercise The Arabic language teachers in the Directorate of Education for the North Eastern Badia region for creative thinking skills development differences depending on the variable: gender, experience, and qualifications of all fields of study. Accordingly, the study concluded that a number of recommendations related.
The study aimed at investigating linguistic performances of the teachers of Arabic language and their relation to their attitudes towards teaching. The sample of the study consisted of 40 Arabic teachers from the public schools in the Northeastern Badia Directorate of Education. To achieve the purpose of study, analytical descriptive approach was used. The instruments of the study were a note card, and a measure of trends towards the teaching. The results of the study showed that the linguistic performances of Arabic teachers and their attitudes toward teaching were medium which indicates a strong correlation between their linguistic performances and their attitudes toward teaching.
This research aimed to detect the relationship between the pressures of self - satisfied with their relationship to social, vocational, and the extent of this phenomenon, and through several variables (gender, grade, marital status).
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