ُنفذ البحث في الموسم 2011-2012 في مخابر قسم التقانات الحيوية التابع للهيئة العامة للبحـوث
العلمية الزراعية بهدف الكشف عن وجود بيوض Giardia على 120 عينة شملت 40 عينة ميـاه ري
و 80 عينة خضار جمعت عشوائياً من عشر مناطق زراعية مختلفة ضمن محافظة ريف دمشق باستخدام
تقانة الـPCR .بينت نتائج الدراسة بعـد فـصل نـواتج تفاعـل PCR أن النـسبة المئويـة للتلـوث
بـِ Giardia كانت %8.25 ، موزعةً على %5.37 في عينات مياه الري و %20 في عينات الخـضار.
تَبين وجود بيوض النوع lamblia. G في 15 عينة من أصل المجموع الكلي للعينـات توزعـت علـى
7 عينات مياه ري و 8 عينات خضار. أعطت منطقة مسرابا أعلى نسبة تلـوث %6.41 بالنـسبة إلـى
الجنس Giardia و %25 بالنسبة إلى النوع lamblia. G و دون فرق معنوي مع منطقة الكفرين التـي
أظهرت أقـل نـسبة تلـوث (33.8%) بالنـسبة لِــ Giardia ،G و خلوهـا مـن بيـوض النـوع
lamblia. G .أكدت هذه الدراسة أهمية تطبيق طرائق البيولوجيا الجزيئية في الكشف عن وجـود هـذا
الطفيلي على الخضار و المياه المروية بها، و قد أظهرت أزواج المرئسات المستخدمة نوعيـة و حـساسية
عاليتين في الكشف عن الجنس Giardia و تمييز النوع الممرض للإنسان lamblia. G.
This investigation was carried out during 2011–2012 season at the
biotechnology department\General Commission for Scientific Agricultural
Researches in order to detect the presence of Giardia Cysts on fresh vegetables
and irrigation water using PCR technique to detect the status of Giardia cysts
in ten different agricultural areas of Damascus Countryside. 120 samples
including, 40 irrigation water and 80 vegetables samples were randomly
collected and tested. Out of 120 samples examined, only 25.8 % were
contaminated with Giardia cysts and these included 37.5% of irrigation water
samples and 20% of fresh vegetables samples. G. lamblia cysts were detected in
12.5% of examined samples, 17.5% of irrigation water samples and 10% of
fresh vegetables samples. The majority of contaminated samples (41.6%),
(25%) for Giardia and G. lamblia, respectively were from Misraba area without
statistically significant with Kafrein area, which showed the lowest
contamination with Giardia cysts (8.33%) and was free of G. lamblia cysts. This
study confirmed the importance of application of molecular biology methods in
the detection of Giardia on vegetables and their Irrigation water, since used
primers showed high specificity and sensitivity in the detection of the Giardia
genus and discriminate the Human pathogenic type, G. lamblia.
References used
Abougrain, A. K., Nahaisi, M. H., Madi, N. S., Saied, M. M. and Ghenghesh, S. G. (2009). Parasitological contamination in salad vegetables in Tripoli- Libya. Food Control , 26:500-503
Adam, R. D. (1991). The biology of Giardia spp. Microbiological Reviews 55, 706–773
Al-Binali, A. M., Bello, C. S., EleShewy, K., and Abdulla, S. E. (2006). The prevalence of parasites in commonly used leafy vegetables in South Western, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal, 27: 613-616
This study carried out on one hundred lungs of Awassi Syrian sheep
were collected randomly from Damascus countryside slaughter
The cherry fruit is classified to be after the apple fruit according to its
economic importance and the cherry tree is firstly considered economically
important due to its continuous and plentiful bearing if it’s provided with all
requirements and
Fungal infections caused by Aspergillus species generally are occupying a
second place among invasive fungal infections in the world, especially A.
fumigatus, which is considered the main cause of invasive Aspergillosis (IA).
Although IA rarely in
Leishmaniasis spreads in eighty-eight countries, including the Syrian Arab
Republic. This disease is caused by a protozoic parasite of the genus
Leishmania. Twenty-two species of leishmania were reported to be pathogenic
for human. The disease is
The research was conducted in order to investigate the metal
contaminants (lead Pb،cadmium Cd ، arsenic As), which moves
from irrigation water to many types of vegetables which irrigated
from it,and compared the extent of pollution by irrigation source
(treatment sewage، wells water), and by vegetable type
(Vegetables, fruit plants, tuberous), and by the irrigation method
used (surface irrigation ، modern irrigation).